A: hi! ~ Hello everyone, I am YK bacteria
, a microsystem front-end
, love to think, love to summarize, love to record, love to share
, welcome to follow me
~ [wechat account: Yk2012Yk2012, wechat public account: ykyk2012]
“This is the 16th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021.”
Learn Vue basics today… Learn from the beginning, learn or Vue2, Vue3 before the introduction of the blog, in fact, this article is I just learn Vue notes, the reference is B station is still silicon Valley video….
1. Understanding of templates
- Dynamic HTML page
- Contains some == JS syntax code ==
- 5. Interpolation syntax “Mustache” a double brace expression.
- Instruction syntax Instruction (custom tag attributes beginning with v-) [many]
{{XXX}}, XXX is a JS expression, and you can directly read all the attributes in data
Instruction syntax:
Function: Used to parse tags (including tag attributes, tag body contents, and binding events…..) For example: v-bind:href=” XXX “or abbreviation :href=” XXX”, XXX also needs to write js expressions, and can read all attributes of data directly. Note: Vue has a lot of instructions, and the form is: v-????
2. Interpolation syntax: double brace expressions
- Grammar:
- Function: Output data to a page
- Methods of objects that can be called
Write JS expressions inside: JS code that returns values, not JS statements
3. Instruction syntax: Enforce data bindingv-bind:
Function: Specifies a changed attribute value
A complete written
v-bind:xxx='yyy' // YYy is parsed as an expression
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Concise writing
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One-way data binding
- Grammar:
v-bind:href ="xxx"
Or abbreviated to:href ="xxx"
- Features: Data can only flow from data to the page
Two-way data binding instructionsv-model
- Grammar:
Or abbreviated tov-model="xxx"
- Features: Data flows not only from data to pages, but also from pages to data
4. Instruction syntax: Bind event listenerv-on:
Function: Bind a callback function that specifies the event name
A complete written
v-on:keyup='XXX (parameters)'
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Concise writing
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Example 5.
- Function: Renders text content to its node.
- Differences from interpolation syntax:
Will replace the contents of the node,{{xx}}
Do not.
- Function: Renders content containing HTML structure to a specified node.
- Differences from interpolation syntax: (1).
Will replace everything in the node,{{xx}}
Do not. (2).v-html
Can recognize HTML structure. - Serious note:
There are security problems !!!!
(1). Dynamic rendering of arbitrary HTML on a website is very dangerous and can easily lead to XSS attacks. (2). Always use V-HTML for trusted content, never user-submitted content!
<div id='app'>
<h2>1. Curly brace expressions</h2>
<p>{{msg}}</p> <! --textContent -->
<p v-html="msg"></p> <! --innerHTML -->
<p v-text="msg"></p> <! --textContent -->
<p v-text="msg.toUpperCase()"></p>
<h2>2. Instruction 1: Enforce data binding</h2>
<img src="imgUrl" alt="Vue"> <! -- can't display image, not recognized as JS expression -->
<img v-bind:src="imgUrl" alt="Vue"> <! Attribute values are identified as JS expressions -->
<img :src="imgUrl" alt="Vue">
<h2>3. Instruction 2: Bind event listeners</h2>
<button v-on:click="test1">test1</button>
<button @click="test1">test1</button>
<button @click="test2('abc')">test2</button> <! -- Can pass parameters -->
<button @click="test2(msg)">test2</button>
<script src=".. /js/vue.js"></script>
new Vue({
el: '#app'.data: {
msg: 'I Will Back! '.imgUrl: "https://cn.vuejs.org/images/logo.png"
methods: {
test1() {
test2(content){ alert(content); }}})</script>
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6. Conditional render instruction
Remove label delete
- v-if
- v-else
V-if =" expression"
V-else -if=" expression"
V else=" expression"
Applicable to: Scenarios with low switching frequency. Features: DOM elements that are not shown are removed. Note: v-if can be used with :v-else-if and v-else, but the structure must not be “broken”.
Add style hide (display: None)
- v-show
V-show =” expression “applies to scenarios with high switching frequency. Features: DOM elements that are not displayed are not removed, just hidden with styles
[Remarks] With v-if, the element may not be retrieved, but with v-show, the element must be retrieved.
7. Compare V-if with V-show
- V-show is good if you need to switch frequently
- When the condition is not set, all children of v-if are not resolved
<div id="demo">
<p v-if="ok">A success</p> <! -- Remove tag delete -->
<p v-else>failed</p>
<p v-show="ok">Successful again</p> <! Add style Hide -->
<p v-show=! "" ok">Failed again</p>
<button @click="ok = ! ok">switch</button>
<script src=".. /js/vue.js"></script>
new Vue({
el: '#demo'.data: {
ok: false,}})</script>
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Finally, welcome to my column and make friends with YK bacteria