Introduction of LSP
LSP is the Language Server Protocol. It is a standardized Protocol introduced by Microsoft to unify the communication between development tools and Language Server. It supports language auto-completion, define jumps, view definitions, view references, Lint, syntax highlighting, and more, depending on the language’s LS support. Prior to this, the various ides had to implement a similar set of things themselves, which was somewhat repetitive. With LSP, development tools can enjoy services provided by various languages as long as they access the protocol according to rules.
The current supported languages are summarized here, and only part of them are shown below. The maintainers are ngos, Microsoft, and The real ones. For example, support for Swift is the sourceKit-LSP maintained by Apple.
How LSP works
There is a section on the official website explaining how LSP works.
The client and server used JSONRPC to communicate in request-Response mode, as shown in the following figure.
Main steps:
- The user opens the document and the client sends it
Notification, telling the server. The contents of the file are stored in memory. - The user edits the document, and the client sends it
And then the server will send backtextDocument/publishDiagnostics
Notification, parsing error and warning. The CLIENT displays the UI based on these errors and warnings. - User performs jump to symbol definition, client initiates
Request, server returns the relevant location information. - The user closes the document and the client sends it
Notifies that file contents are updated to disk.
Let’s look at the specific request and response, using textDocument/definition as an example.
Request: The main parameters are method and params. Params takes the current file information and queries the defined symbol information (line number, character number)
"jsonrpc": "2.0"."id" : 1,
"method": "textDocument/definition"."params": {
"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///p%3A/mseng/VSCode/Playgrounds/cpp/use.cpp"
"position": {
"line": 3."character": 12}}}Copy the code
Response: The response includes the file location of the symbol definition, the start and end positions of the symbol.
"jsonrpc": "2.0"."id": 1,
"result": {
"uri": "file:///p%3A/mseng/VSCode/Playgrounds/cpp/provide.cpp"."range": {
"start": {
"line": 0."character": 4},"end": {
"line": 0."character": 11}}}}Copy the code
LSP definition
Methods are defined in LSPS to distinguish different events. This includes requests and notifications.
For example, initialize is the first request sent from the client to the server. Shutdown: Closes the request. TextDocument/Definition to view requests for symbol definitions. .
The detailed definition document is here.
Install swift LSP in VSCode
As we all know, VSCode is a powerful editor with a wealth of plugins to support development in a variety of languages, and it was the first of many editors to support LSP.
Swift For LSP is still in early development, so there are no installation packages or plug-ins available. So for now we have to manually download and install. The steps are as follows:
Install XCode
I think I can skip this step.
Install VSCode
I think we can skip this step as well.
Install the latest Swift toolChain
Go to and download the latest trunk package. Once installed, go to XCode->Preferences->Components and select the newly installed Toolchain. Alternatively, set the path to toolchain in vscode instead.
Install Node and NPM
Since VSCode plug-ins are written in js/ts, it requires a js runtime environment. You are advised to download the installation package.
To verify that the installation is complete, execute the following command
nmp --version
Copy the code
Compile and install sourceKit-lsp
Clone warehouse:
git clone
Copy the code
Go to sourcekit-lsp:
cd sourcekit-lsp
Copy the code
swift build
Copy the code
After successful compilation, the binaries will be found in. Build /debug. We moved it to the /usr/local/bin directory so it could be used directly.
mv .build/debug/sourcekit-lsp /usr/local/bin
Copy the code
This command will start the LSP process.
Copy the code
Example Install the sourceKit-LSP plug-in
This plug-in allows VSCode to communicate with sourcekit-lsp.
- The sourcekit-LSP is displayed
cd Editors/vscode/
Copy the code
- perform
npm run createDevPackage
npm run createDevPackage
Copy the code
If you encounter an NPM ERR! 404 Not Found: flatmap-stream@0.1.1
rm package-lock.json
npm cache clean --force
Copy the code
- The installation
code --install-extension out/sourcekit-lsp-vscode-dev.vsix
Copy the code
Start by installing the code command in VSCode, CMD +shift+p, type shell command, then install the code command. As shown in the figure.
Restart VSCode.
- Configuration sourcekit – LSP
Use CMD (or preference- > Settings) to go to the Settings page, search for sourceKit-lsp, and enter the ToolChain Path that you downloaded and installed. Such as I/Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift – DEVELOPMENT – the SNAPSHOT – 2018-11-25 – a.x ctoolchain.
That completes the configuration.
Finally, open a Swift Xcode project and hover over the keyword to reveal the definition. The diagram below.
Open the Trace Server in Settings and set it to Message to see request/response/notification messages. Verbose provides more details about fields and contents. Where requests have ID numbers, notifications do not.
- When the project is opened, log is as follows. It will be sent in turn
It’s a notification from the server.
[Trace - 3:00:00 PM] Sending request 'initialize - (0)'.
[Trace - 3:00:00 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'.
could not open compilation database for /Users/liusilan/Documents/workspace/my/LeetCode/countSegments noEntry
[Trace - 3:00:00 PM] Received notification 'window/logMessage'.
failed to open IndexStoreDB: indexstoredb_index_create error: index store path does not exist: /Users/liusilan/Documents/workspace/my/LeetCode/countSegments/.build/debug/index/store
[Trace - 3:00:00 PM] Received response 'initialize - (0)' in 234ms.
[Trace - 3:00:00 PM] Sending notification 'initialized'.
[Trace - 3:00:00 PM] Sending notification 'textDocument/didOpen'.
[Trace - 3:00:00 PM] Received notification 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics'.
[Trace - 3:00:01 PM] Received notification 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics'.
Copy the code
- When editing, log is as follows. send
, server will returntextDocument/publishDiagnostics
[Trace - 2:58:57 PM] Sending notification 'textDocument/didChange'.
[Trace - 2:58:57 PM] Received notification 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics'.
[Trace - 2:58:57 PM] Received notification 'textDocument/publishDiagnostics'.
Copy the code
- Mouse over will send
[Trace - 2:53:43 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/hover - (3)'.
[Trace - 2:53:43 PM] Received response 'textDocument/hover - (3)' in 3ms.
Copy the code
- Sends when the cursor is on a row
[Trace - 2:55:07 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/documentHighlight - (22)'.
[Trace - 2:55:07 PM] Received response 'textDocument/documentHighlight - (22)' in 2ms.
Copy the code
- Hold down CMD key to view symbol definition when sent
[Trace - 2:55:40 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/definition - (43)'.
[Trace - 2:55:40 PM] Received response 'textDocument/definition - (43)' in 8ms.
Copy the code
For information about Versbose printing, you can try to set up a look.
Soucekit-lsp also supports sublime-Text. For details, see sublime-Text configuration.
Suorcekit- Indicates the feature supported by LSP
At present, because it is still in the early development, the support of the function is not a lot, I believe that it will be more and more perfect.
Feature | Status | Notes |
Swift | ||
C/C++/ObjC | clangd is not available in the recommended toolchain. You can try out C/C++/ObjC support by building clangd from source and putting it in PATH . |
Code completion | ||
Quick Help (Hover) | ||
Diagnostics | ||
Fix-its | ||
Jump to Definition | ||
Find References | ||
Background Indexing | Build project to update the index using Indexing While Building | |
Workspace Symbols | ||
Refactoring | ||
Formatting | ||
Folding | ||
Syntax Highlighting | Not currently part of LSP. | |
Document Symbols |
Swift VSCode debugging
Debugging is essential in the development process, always generate XcodeProJ before, and then debug in Xcode, it is always a little inconvenient.
Debugging swift in VSCode is easy as follows:
Install the plug-in CoreLLDB
Configuration launch. Json
After the plug-in is installed, open swift project and press F5, the configuration popup will appear as follows.
Click Open launch.json to configure, as follows:
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0"."configurations": [
// Running executables
"type": "lldb"."request": "launch"."name": "Run your Executable"."program": "${workspaceFolder}/.build/debug/xxx"."args": []."cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"."preLaunchTask": "swift-build"}}]Copy the code
Change XXX from “program”: “${workspaceFolder}/. Build /debug/ XXX “to the name of your project executable.
- Configuration task. Json
After the launch.json configuration is complete, press F5, and the task popup window will appear, as shown below.
Click Configure Task to Configure as follows:
// See
// for the documentation about the tasks.json format
"version": "2.0.0"."tasks": [
// compile your SPM project
"label": "swift-build"."type": "shell"."command": "swift build"
// compile your SPM tests
"label": "swift-build-tests"."type": "process"."command": "swift"."group": "build"."args": [
"build"."--build-tests"]]}}Copy the code
At this point, all configurations are complete. Press F5 to start debugging. If a pop-up window still appears, it indicates that a certain area is not configured properly. You need to compare the above configuration.
Finally, you can debug happily.