1. Click the Settings button in the lower left corner

2. Click the user code snippet in the menu

  • Click on the new snippet and enter a name. For example, if I want to create a vue template, type VT and hit Enter

3. Enter the following code format in {} with the comment above the button

        "Print to console": {
		"scope": "javascript,typescript"."prefix": "log"."body": [
			"console.log('$1');"]."description": "Log output to console"
	"H5 Template": {
		"prefix": "ht"."body": [
      "."<html>"."<head>"."<meta charset='UTF-8'>"."<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'>"."< meta name =" viewport "content =" width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0 ">"."<title>Document</title>"."<style>"."html,body{width:100%; height:100%; margin:0; padding:0}"."</style>"."</head>"."<body>"."<div>"."</div>"."</body>"."</html>",]."description": "H5 code Template"
	"Vue Template": {
		"prefix": "vt"."body": [
			"<template>"."<div>"."</div>"."</template>"."<script>"."export default { name:'',data(){ return {}},created(){},mounted(){},methods:{} }"."</script>"."</script>"."<style></style>"."<style scoped></style>"]."description": "Vue code Template"}}Copy the code

4. CTRL + S to save the Settings

5. Use the log option TAB to quickly generate template snippets, for example, by typing log in the editor