Said in the previous

Recently I wanted to do some interview programming questions for practice, but I just want to view the results and open the browser, so I want to find a way to view the results directly on the IDE.

What is a quokka? Quokka.js is a developer tool for quickly developing javascript or typescript. It updates or displays running values on your IDE in real time as you type code.


About the version

There are community version and free version, I use the free version


Simple to start work

New quokka file

  1. ctr+shihft+pThe inputQuokka-> Select New File

There are also shortcut keys, the first commonly used as follows:

  1. Cmd/Ctrl + K, JCreate a new JS file,Cmd/Ctrl + K, TCreating a TS File
  2. For more informationctr+shihft+pThe inputQuokkaLook inside

View the post-run values

The Pro version can simply add //? You can view the value of the run in real time

For the community version, use console.log().

Real-time coverage

After quokka.js is run, you can see the coverage status of the code on the left side of the editor.

  • Gray – indicates not being executed
  • Green – indicates that it has been executed
  • Yellow – represents only partial execution, that is, logical expressions or ternary operators.
  • Red – indicates that the source line is the source of an error or is in the error stack

The rest of the

I don’t need it yet (the Pro version is not available at 😥


Suitable for some simple JS statement practice, such as what what JS handwriting high frequency interview programming questions, and just began to learn JS students can also be used to write small demo.