1. Open the VSCode Edit menu preferences and select the user segment

2. Select New global snippet

3. Create a new code snippet named vue.json. Paste the following code in the new vue.json file

	"Print to console": {
		"prefix": "vue"."body": [
			"<! - $1 -- - >"."<template>"."	<div class='$2'>"."$4"." "."</template>".""."<script>"."export default {"."	components: {"."$4"."},"."	data() {"." return {"."$4"."};."},"."	computed: {"."$4"."},"."	watch: {"."$4"."},"."// Lifecycle - before creation"."	beforeCreate() {"."$4"."},"."// Lifecycle - creation complete (access to current this instance)"."	created() {"."$4"."},"."// Lifecycle - before mount"."	beforeMount() {"."$4"."},"."// Lifecycle - Mount complete (DOM element accessible)"."	mounted() {"."$4"."},"."// This function fires if the page has keep-alive caching"."	activated() {"."$4"."},"."// Lifecycle - before update"."	beforeUpdate() {"."$4"."},"."// Lifecycle - after update"."	updated() {"."$4"."},"."// Life cycle - before destruction"."	beforeDestroy() {"."$4"."},"."// Life cycle - Destruction completed"."	destroyed() {"."$4"."},"."	methods: {"."$4"."}"."}"."</script>"."<style lang='scss' scoped>"."$4"."</style>"]."description": "Log output to console"}}Copy the code