Recently, the team encouraged everyone to use the same editor in order to maintain good front-end development practices, and we chose vscode because most of the team used it and it was fun to use. In order to let the students who do not use vscode quickly understand it, I collected some information on the Internet and wrote this introduction article with my own daily use experience.
Introduction to vscode
Visual Studio Code (VS Code for short) is a free, open source cross-platform text (Code) editor developed by Microsoft.
We will introduce vscode in the following sections
- The basic configuration
- integration
- Version control
- Code debugging
1 Basic Configuration
- Download directly from the official website
- Preferences, as shown below, allow you to set vscode’s basic configuration as well as shortcuts, custom themes, and so on.
In the following figure, the basic configuration is actually a JSON file, which contains the default configuration. In addition, every time we install a plug-in, a new JSON is generated. We can override the default configuration by entering the custom JSON configuration on the right side
- Shortcut key. You can click the shortcut key under preferences to view and modify all shortcut key configurations
2 the integration
Vscode integrates a large number of third-party plug-ins, which can greatly improve our development efficiency
Recommended Common Plug-ins
- Vuetr Vue formatting plug-in
- Vscode – FileHeader automatically saves the file creator and modifier
- Auto Close Tag Automatically closes the HTML Tag
- Dark Dark – Enhanced theme based on the default Dark theme
- EditorConfig for VS Code – Used to support the.EditorConfig configuration specification
- ESLint – Used to support JavaScript real-time syntax validation
- Git History – You can view and compare Git logs of files
- HTML Snippets – Fixes some problems with the default HTML Emmet
- Material Icon Theme – Left file navigation bar Icon Theme
- Settings Syncs – Used to synchronize VS Code configuration to the personal GIST repository
More plug-in support We can see the article “powerful VS Code”
So that’s it and you can explore it for yourself…
3 Version Control
Vscode integrates Git to switch to git panel, and we can directly execute git commands through the graphical operation interface. For example, click the modified file on the left to compare the version. At the same time
4 Code Debugging
One of the key features of Visual Studio Code is its support for debugging. Just like chrome debug, vscode supports nodeJs code debugging by default. You can install third-party plugins to debug code in other languages. For the front end, it is very easy to debug nodeJS code
Plugins can be installed to support debugging in languages such as Python
Refer to the website for more information…
Debug the configuration file launch.json
If we default to debug code by vscode, generates a launch. The json config file, the details you can view the official document… We’re just going to talk about the places that we usually use.
Lunch. Json configuration items
- Will be optional field
type: Debugger type. Here's Node (the built-in debugger), if installed with the Go and PHP extensionstypeGo and PHP Request: indicates the request type. Currently, only launch and attach are supported. "Launch" means to start debugging in debug mode. "attach" means to start debugging by attaching to an already started process. Use Node as mentioned in the previous article-e "process._debugProcess(PID)"Name: Indicates the name displayed in the drop-down listCopy the code
- Optional fields
Args: parameters to be passed to the debugger (launch) env: environment variable (launch) CWD: current execution directory (launch) address: IP address (launch & attach) Port: port number (launch & attach) skipFiles: file you want to ignore, array type (launch & attach) processId: process PID (attach)Copy the code
And the directory variable has
${workspaceRoot}: Indicates the path to open the project${file}: Path of the current open file${fileBasename}: Indicates the name of the open file, including the suffix${fileDirname}: Path to the folder where the open file is located${fileExtname}: Extension name of the current open file${cwd}: Current execution directoryCopy the code
Typically a default configuration for launch.json is as follows
"version": "0.2.1"."configurations": [{"type": "node"."request": "launch"."name": "Start program"."program": "${workspaceFolder}/index.js"}}]Copy the code
This configuration will directly run the index.js file in our project directory. We can automatically define our startup and run files based on the above configuration information.
Debugging technique
Conditional breakpoints
1 expression: breaks when the expression evaluates to true, as in = ‘1’. Breaks only when this condition is met
SkipFiles A set of glob patterns that files skip when debugging
Usually when we step through into the node_modules directory, but we usually tend to want to debug our project code, so this time can be filtered by configuration skipFiles Detailed official document reference…
"skipFiles": [
"skipFiles": [
Copy the code
Automatic restart
You can add the configuration to realize the automatic restart of debugging after the modified code is saved, which needs to be used together with Nodemon. First install Nodemon
npm i nodemon -g
"version": "0.2.1"."configurations": [{"type": "node"."request": "launch"."name": "debug-app"."runtimeExecutable": "nodemon", the runtime to use. An absolute path or the run-time name available on the path. If omitted, "node" is assumed."program": "${workspaceRoot}/app.js"."restart": true."console": "integratedTerminal"."skipFiles": [
"${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/**/*.js"."<node_internals>/**/*.js"]]}}Copy the code
Parameters that
- RuntimeExecutable: What command is used to execute app.js, which is set to nodemon and node by default
- Restart: Set this parameter to true. After saving the modified code, debugging is automatically restarted
- Console: when the stop button is clicked or the code is saved, debugging is automatically restarted while nodemon is still running. This problem can be solved by setting console as integratedTerminal. At this point, VS Code terminal will print the log of Nodemon. You can choose to return to the first terminal from the drop-down menu on the right side of the terminal, and then run curl Localhost :3000 to debug
The above is almost the place where we can use vscode commonly. I personally think there are two good points in the use process: 1. The use of third-party plug-ins can greatly enrich our use functions; 2. Vscode is a very powerful IDE tool and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Interested can see document directly, can find more interesting things.
This article mainly refers to (but is not limited to) the following articles, thanks for their contributions!
Vscode official documentation
An incomplete guide to Visual Studio Code front-end Debugging
Node.js Performance Tuning Debugging Part 2 — Visual Studio Code
Debug compiled js code using vscode
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The above