The installation

  • If you have downloaded Visual Studio Community 2013 in English, you can install the Visual Studio Community 2013 Simplified Chinese language package [click download].
  • Uninstall: Use Microsoft Visual Studio Uninstaller to uninstall the software.

Write a C

  1. New project

    Tips: Uncheck the “precompiled header” and then check the empty project.

  2. Creating a Source File

Use skills

  1. The program is suspended automatically

    Shortcut:Ctrl + F5
  2. Line edit

    Stop the line for the cursor

    Copy:Ctrl + C

    Shear:Ctrl + X

    Delete:Ctrl + L
  3. Comment key combination

    Quick note: FirstCtrl + KAgain,Ctrl + C

    Uncomment: FirstCtrl + KAgain,Ctrl + U
  4. formatting

    Entire document: firstCtrl + KAgain,Ctrl + D

    Selected part: FirstCtrl + KAgain,Ctrl + F
  5. HomeThe key andEndkey

    HomeKey: Quickly jump to the beginning of the line

    EndKeys: Quickly skip to the end of the line

    Shift + Home: Quickly select the part of the line before the cursor

    Shift + End: Quickly select the part of the line after the cursor

    Shift + ARROW keys: Select text quickly
  6. Show Line number Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages > Check Show Line number.
  7. Change font Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors. If the font Consolas is set, the size is 15.