“VR is the next wave.”

— Comments from 2016 (GMGC) Global Mobile Game Conference


As early as 2014, I attended the annual Golden Cube held by Unity and experienced VR headsets for the first time. I was deeply impressed.


In the first half of 2015, there was a steady stream of news that senior executives of well-known game companies were leaving to start VR startups. In 2015, Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook in the United States, spent $2 billion to acquire Oculus, the leader of VR technology in the industry, and boldly predicted: “VR is the next wave”! \




March 7-9, 2015 Beijing National Convention Center, held 2016 GMGC the fifth global Mobile Game Conference, zhang editor of the press said: should go to see.

Of course, the content of each international conference is very broad, from last year (15 years) domestic and foreign game market review and outlook, to the development of domestic game cloud, game teaching in colleges and universities, domestic game industry research and so on. \




It only took three years for the domestic mobile game industry from its initial formation in 2012 to the white-hot competition in 2015. Although the game industry has rapidly grown to a $150 billion market by the end of 2015, according to a study by Game Industry Watch, “the top 1% of mobile games take 60% of the market revenue! The polarization of the mobile game industry is intensifying, and the oligarchic era of Evergrande has arrived.” This directly led to the 15 years of more than 1000 mobile games company bankruptcy and transformation, it can be described as tragic. Therefore, the representatives of the company feel slightly heavy mood. (Some of the venue is a little quiet) \


When the participants discussed how to strengthen the majority of small and medium-sized mobile game enterprises, the VR (virtual reality) exhibition area on the first floor of the National Convention Center was bustling with visitors. \

Fu Guoxin, the former general manager of Unity In China, left his job and founded a VR incubator called UCCVR because he was very optimistic about the development of VR industry.




The keynote of Fuguoxin was: “Ride the wind and waves to build a new ERA of VR/AR”. \



In addition, the e-sports industry has also begun to target the VR industry. At the scene of the first e-sports competition, the contestants looked very “strange”. \



From the personal observation of the participants, VR industry is booming rapidly, but if you look carefully, there are still many problems waiting for time to solve. For example, VR equipment hardware in the world is not unified at present (especially the lack of effective input devices, most of them stay at the stage of joystick and keyboard), lack of complete ecological chain support, “VR+” industry is still in its infancy (games, movies, aviation, health, education, machinery…). . Of course, these are not the most important, the most important is the lack of a star “full immersion” market masterpiece, to “detonate” the whole society, to give ordinary players a sufficient reason to buy!


2016 GMGC may be a starting point, and the next wave of “Internet +” technology wave may be “VR+”…
