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In the actual development process, the flexible use of good development tools will make our work twice the result with half the effort. Today, I would like to recommend a few good IDEA plug-ins. Writing code can also “fly”.

Beautify the plug-in

Material Theme UI

Blind date at the first glance also have to see eye edge, so today’s recommendation is the first theme plug-in, can let your IDEA icon, configuration collocation is in place, you can also switch the color, the default provides a lot of themes to choose from, each one is crazy drag cool; The current little sister or test little sister to see you so cool interface, she will certainly feel that the original boy will be so delicate ah, image suddenly rise ~

Just ask you, such a colorful color, which little sister is not fascinated by you ~

Extra Icons

This is also a beautification plugin that provides ICONS for some file types that are not officially available

Background Image Plus

The plugin for setting IDEA background pictures can not only set solid pictures, but also set random background pictures after a period of time, and set the transparency of pictures, etc. Next I set up a picture of the goddess, looking at the goddess photos of the code, the mood all day

Practical plug-in


For people like me who are very good at English, this plug-in is a magic tool, which is very useful when looking at the source code of various frameworks. Right click to translate, for method or class above the comment, just press F1 will be automatically translated into Chinese

Maven Helper

I’m sure you’ve all encountered the problem of dependency package conflict. Once there is a conflict, there is always some strange error in the startup or running process. Finding the conflict process is very painful, but if you install this plug-in, it is not a problem and can be solved in a minute

Code Glance

The preview area on the right side of Sublime Text, which many of you have already used, provides a global preview of your code with a mini-zoom in the code editing area

MyBatis Log Plugin

Mybaits will print out the SQL when running, but the print is SQL with placeholders, if the SQL is complex, then it is more troublesome to manually splices out the SQL, fortunately this plug-in helps us to fix

Menu bar -> Tools -> MyBatis Log Plugin

Free Mybatis plugin

You can easily switch back and forth between Mybatis Mapper interface and XML files, as simple as viewing interface implementation classes, without searching in XML.


Artifact level plugins that simplify entity classes by eliminating the need to write getter/setter methods and implementing Builder patterns and chain calls via annotations; You don’t have to mix getter/setter methods in the congestion model

The project also needs to add Maven dependencies

< the dependency > < groupId > org. Projectlombok < / groupId > < artifactId > lombok < / artifactId > < version > 1.16.10 < / version > </dependency>Copy the code

Key promoter X

It was really painful to recall the time when we switched from Eclipse to IDEA at the beginning, because we were not familiar with the shortcut keys. Being familiar with the shortcut keys of development tools can greatly improve our development efficiency. The purpose of this tool is to help users remember the shortcut keys, and the shortcut keys will be given in the lower right corner after operation window. Remind yourself enough and you’ll remember.

Grep Console

During the development process, the console of IDEA usually prints a large number of logs. It is difficult to find the logs you care about quickly. This plug-in can set different display styles for different levels of logs to help locate logs quickly

Write to the end (pay attention, don’t get lost)

There may be more or less deficiencies and mistakes in the article, suggestions or opinions are welcome to comment and exchange.

Finally, white piao is not good, creation is not easy, I hope friends can like the comments pay attention to three even, because these are all the power source I share 🙏

I have handwritten a simple version of SpringMVC from scratch, as well as the preparation of a detailed description of the document, I hope to help partners in-depth understanding of the core principle of SpringMVC, friends in need welcome to pay attention to the public number: Beta learning JAVA, reply to the source code