A list,

1 Audio file input or output

Writewav - Write the WAV file readHTk - Read the HTK Waveform file readsFS - Read the SFS file readSPh - Read SPHERE/TIMIT Waveform file readAIF - Read AIFF Audio Interchange file format file readCNx - Read BT Connex database file readAU - Read AU files (from SUN) readflac - readflac filesCopy the code

Frequency scale conversion

Frq2bark-convert Hz to the Bark frequency scale Converts the basic frequency Hz to the Bark frequency scale FRq2cent - Convert Hertz to cents Scale converts to cents scale frQ2ERb - Convert Hertz to ERB rate Scale Converts to ERB scale FRQ2Mel - Convert Hertz to MEL using basic frequency Hz Scale Converts to meir scale frQ2MIDi - Convert Hertz to MIDI scale of semitones converts to MIDI file pitch bark2FRq - Convert the Bark using basic frequency Hz Hertz Cent2FRQ - Convert cents scale to Hertz Cent2FRQ - Convert cents scale to Hertz Erb2FRQ - Convert The ERB rate scale to Hertz converts to the base frequency Hz mel2FRQ - Convert MEL scale to Hertz converts to the high base frequency Hz Midi2FRQ - Convert MIDI Scale of Semitones to Hertz converts MIDI file pitch to base frequency HzCopy the code

Fourier/ discrete cosine DCT/ Discrete Hartley transform

Rfft-fft of real data Inverse of FFT of real data RsFFT-FFt of real Symmetric Fourier transform irFFt - Inverse of FFT of real data Data Discrete cosine transform of real data IrDCT-inverse of DCT of real data Rhartley-Hartley Transform of Real Data zoomfft - Calculate the FFT over a portion of the spectrum with any Sphrharm - calculate forward and inverse spherical harmonic transformations at any resolutionCopy the code

4 Probability distribution

Berk2prob -convert Berksons to probability Use berk to Convert to probability probability gaussmix -fit a Gaussian mixture model to data Values fitting gaussmixd - Calculate marginal and conditional density and Perform inference calculation of gaussian mixture model Gaussmixk-estimate Kuleck-leibler divergence between two GMMs Covariance and mode of a Gaussian mixture full mean, covariance, Gaussmixm-estimate mean and variance of GMM vector magnitude gaussmiXP-Calculates and plots Calculation and calculation of marginal probability density from a GMM Gaussian mixture model and calculation of gaussmixt-multiplies two GMMs together Gausprod - Calculate the product of multiple Gaussians GMMLPDF - OBSOLETE - use gaussmiXP instead Replace this function with gussmiXP and HISTndim-n-dimensional histogram (+ plot 2-d histogram) lognMPdF-prob density Function of a lognormal distribution maxgauss-Calculate the mean and variance of Max (x) where x is a Normcdflog - Calculate the log of the Normal CDF without underflow Normal CDF log file calculation without underflow Prob2berk - Convert probability to Berksons Use probability probability to transfer to Berk Randvec-generate Random Vectors to Generate random vector Randiscr - Generate discrete random values with existing probabilities Generate specified probability of discrete random value RNSUBset-select a random subset selected by natural repertoire Randfilt - Generate filtered random noise without transients STDSpectrum - Generate standard audio and Speech Spectra Generate standard audio and speech spectra USASI - Generate USasi noise (obsolete: Use stdspectrum instead Using stDSpectrum function instead of v_chimv-approximate mean and variance of non-central chi distribution vonmisespDF - Calculate the PDF of the Von Mises (circular normal) distribution Calculating the Mises distribution (circular normal) PDFCopy the code

Large Distances

Distchar-cosh distchar-Cosh of Euclidean/Mahanalobis distchar-Cosh Spectral distance between AR coefficient sets The hyperbolic cosine spectrum distance between AR coefficient sets. Distitar-itakura spectral distance between AR Coefficient sets The Itakura spectral distance between AR coefficient sets distisar-Itakura-Saito spectral distance between AR coefficient sets Distchpf - COSH Spectral Distance Between Power Spectra Hyperbolic cosine distance distitpf - Itakura Spectral Distance between Power Spectra Spectral Distance distispf-Itakura-Saito spectral distance between power Spectra Ltakura-saito spectrum distance between power spectraCopy the code

6 Speech Analysis

Activlevg - Calculate the active level of Speech (ITU-T P.56 Dypsa - Estimate glottal closure instants from a speech waveform glottal closure time Estimate Enframe-divide a speech signal into frames for frame-based processing Correlogram - Calculate A 3-D The correlogram three-dimensional correlation graph calculates the Energy of the ewgrpdel-energy-weighted group delay waveform based on weighted fram2wav-interpolate frame-based values Filtbankm-transformation matrix for a Linear/MEL/ERb/Bark-spaced Filterbank from DFT output Linear/MEL/ERb/Bark-SPACED filter bank conversion matrix from bias output fxPEfac - PEFAC pitch Tracker IIRgammabakn filters Calculate the importsii - Calculate the SII importance of abank of IIR Gammatone filters Function (ANSI S3.5-1997)SII important function computes modspect-caluclate the modulation specrogram computes MOS2PESQ-convert MOS Values to equivalent PESQ scores MOS equivalent to PESQ score overlapadd - reCONSTITUTED an output waveform after frame-based waveform Processing reconstructs an output waveform based on frame processing pesq2MOS - Convert PESQ scores to equivalent MOS values PESQ scores to MOS value phon2sone - Convert Signal levels from Phons to Sones Signal levels switch from PHons to Sones PsycDigit - Experimental Estimation of monotonic/unimodal Psycest-experimental Estimation of monotonic psychometric Function using TIDIGITS experiment Psycestu - Experimental estimation of unimodal psychometric function Psychofunc - Psychometric functions v_sigma-identify Glottal closure and opening intstants from Lx or EGG Sone2pho-convert Signal levels can be calculated using Lx or egg waveform to identify glottis opening and closing snRSeg-Segmental SNR and Global SNR Calculation From sones to Phons Soundspeed - Returns the speed of sound in air as a function of Temperature returns the speed of sound in air as a function of temperature change spgrambw-spectrogram with many options Stoi2prob-convert STOI Intelligibility Txalign - Align two sets of time markers Align with vadsohn N/A Voice Activity Detector V_PPMVU - Calculate the PPM, VU or EBU levels of a signalCopy the code

7 LPC Analysis of Speech Linear function Controller LPC Analysis

Lpcauto-lpc Analysis of CCwarpF-Warp Complex Cepstrum Coefficients Lpcbwexp-bandwidth Expansion of LPC filter LPCCovar-LPC analysis: So, coVARIANCE method is used to analyze LPC codes, and their representations on LPC are Arbitrary conversion between LPC and LPC Filter a speech signal lpcrand - create random stable filters LpcrR2am - Matrix with all LPC filters is created Up to order P matrix LPC stable - check for stability and force stable filters LPC --2-- -convert Between alternative LPC representationCopy the code

8 Speech Synthesis

Sapisynth-text-to-speech synthesis of a string or matrix of Text or matrix to speech Glotros-Rosenberg model of glottal Glotlf-liljenc-fant Model of Glottal Waveform to Liljenc-Fant modelCopy the code

9 Speech Enhancement

Estnoisem-estimate The noise spectrum from Noisy speech using MMSE Method EstNoisEM-Estimate the noise spectrum from noisy speech using the least mean square error (MMSE) method The noise spectrum from Noisy speech using minimum statistics Specsub-speech enhancement using Spectral subtraction was used to enhance ssubmmse-speech enhancement using MMSE estimate of spectral amplitude or log Amplitude by MMSE estimation resonance amplitude or logarithmic amplitude enhanced voice ssubmmsev researched and enhancement using MMSE estimate and VAD - -based noise Estimation Uses the least mean method and VAD based noise estimation method to enhance speech specsubm - (obsolete algorithm) Spectral subtraction. Spendred-speech Enhancement and Dereverberation (Doire's Algorithm)Copy the code

10 Speech Coding

Lin2pcmu-convert linear PCM to mu-law PCM PCMA2LIN - Convert a-law PCM to linear PCM Lin2pcma - Convert linear PCM to a-law PCM - Convert linear PCM to a-law PCM Kmeanhar-vector quantisation: Kmeanhar-vector quantisation Potsband - Create Telephone Bandwidth Filter V_Kmeans-vector quantisation: K-means algorithm Vectorized K-means clustering algorithmCopy the code

11 Speech Recognition

Recogniser melbankm - Mel Filterbank transformation matrix Melcepst - Mel Cepstrum frontend for Recogniser's cepstrum front-end recognition Cep2pow - Convert MEL Cepstram means & variances to power domain using MEL cepstram means and variances pow2CEP - Convert power domain means Variances to MEL cepstrum use power domains to convert to MEL cepstrum mean and variance ldatrace-constrained Linear Discriminant Analysis to maximize Trace (W\B) constrains linear analysis to maximum traceCopy the code

12 Signal Processing Indicates Signal Processing

Ditherq - Add dither and quantize a signal Filterbank -apply a bank of IIR filters to a signal maxFilt-running maximum filter Specifies the maximum filter to be run Momfilt - Generate running moments Momfilt - Generate running moments Schmitt-pass a signal through a Schmitt trigger Sigalign - Align a clean refeence with a Noisy Signal aligns a clean Refeence Teager - Calculate the Teager energy waveform with noise v_addnoise - Add noise to a Signal at a signal or spectrum v_resample - - Select a signal to a chosen SNR Resamples a signal: Identical to MATLAB resample but ones filter transients ressampling signal is the same as that of MATLAB But eliminate filter transients v_Windinfo - Calculate Window Properties and figures of merit window performance and numerical merit v_Windows-window function The generation window function generates Zerocros-find interpolated zero autoregressive sources (zeros) using the waveform data sharded by buffer can be used as input parameters and returns a set of X points linearly evaluated when y=0 of the waveform data. (point slope positive zerocros(y,'p') negative zerocros(y,'n') default all or 'b')Copy the code

Information Theory

Calculation of Calculate entropy and conditional entropyCopy the code

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Version: 2014 a