RPM -ivh vNC-server *

2、vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers

VNCSERVERS=”1:root” sets the login “display number” and user

VNCSERVERARGS[1]=”- Geometry1024x768 “Sets the screen resolution

3. Vncserver // configure Run the following command to configure the login password

Xstartup /root/.vnc/xstartup

You can not add

5. Vncpasswd configure the remote login password

6. Service vncserver start

To connect two interfaces, run vncServer :2

7. Run the vncserver stop service

8. Log in to the VNCServer on the client

(1) Install vNCViewer to log in remotely

(2) Then enter “Host ADDRESS :1” in the address bar (host IP address plus interface number)

CTRL+SPACE toggle locks letter input
