Early UI library document code and rendering used two sets of code, natural changes to the document need to change two pieces of code. The purpose of the transition from MD to VUE is to allow the rendering code to share the same code as the documentation code.
The overall train of thought
As we know, vite Pulginβs main process for converting MD files into VUE component rendering is as follows:
- Configure the vue router route pointing to file
- Write a Vite plug-in to files into vue file strings
- Finally, the @vitejs/plugin-vue plug-in of Vite compiles the vUE file string into a function component and returns it to the front end
As we know, the main compilation process for files into vue files is:
- Parse the MD file into tokens array format by marked. Lexer
- Find the tokens array with HTML, JS, and CSS code blocks
- Concatenate the vUE file code you want from the code block string
Is it very simple, in fact, is the string of splicing , letβs start!
1. Configure a vue router route pointing to the. Md file
import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'
const router = createRouter({
history: createWebHistory(),
routes: [{...path: '/docs/zh-CN/components/button'.component: () = > import('.. /.. /src/button/demos/zhCN/')}]})Copy the code
When a browser requests to http://localhost:3000/docs/zh-CN/components/button, would be to request button. The md file
2. Write a Vite plug-in to files into vue files
We know that Vite intercepts the request file, and compiles the file into the corresponding vue function component code and returns it to the front-end vite.config.js as follows:
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import createVuePlugin from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
const fileRegex = /\.(md)$/
const vuePlugin = createVuePlugin({ include: [/\.vue$/./\.md$/]})// Configure compilable.vue files
export default defineConfig({
root: __dirname,
plugins: [{name: 'vite-plugin-md'.// Manually implement a vite plugin to files into vue files
async transform (_, path) {
const code = await fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8')
if (path.endsWith('.md')) {
return demoLoader(code, path)
async handleHotUpdate (ctx) { / / hot update
const { file } = ctx
if (fileRegex.test(file)) {
const code = await fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8')
let codeLoader
if (path.endsWith('.md')) {
codeLoader = demoLoader(code, path)
returnvuePlugin.handleHotUpdate({ ... ctx,read: () = > codeLoader
vuePlugin // compilable files whose path ends with.vue],... })Copy the code
We see that the plugin gives demoLoader(code, Path) the job of parsing file into a vue file. What demoLoader does, letβs look below.
2.1 throughmarked.lexerParse the MD document into an ARRAY of tokens
The code argument is the contents of file, and the path argument is the path to file
const marked = require('marked')
function demoLoader(code, path) {
const tokens = marked.lexer(code)
return vueComponent
Copy the code
Code before compilation:
{{ num }}
```js import { button as NButton } from '@vicons/ionicons5' import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({ components: { NButton }, setup (props) { let num = ref(0) return { num } }, }) ```
```css .button { color: red } ```Copy the code
The compiled:
const tokens = [
type: 'code'.raw: '```html\n
{{ num }}
\n```\n\n'.lang: 'html'.text: '
{{ num }}
type: 'code'.raw: '```js\n' +
"import { button as NButton } from '@vicons/ionicons5'\n" +
"import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'\n" +
'\n' +
'export default defineComponent({\n' +
' components: { NButton },\n' +
' setup (props) {\n' +
' let num = ref(0)\n' +
' return {\n' +
' num\n' +
' }\n' +
' },\n' +
'})\n' +
'```\n' +
'\n'.lang: 'js'.text: "import { button as NButton } from '@vicons/ionicons5'\n" +
"import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'\n" +
'\n' +
'export default defineComponent({\n' +
' components: { NButton },\n' +
' setup (props) {\n' +
' let num = ref(0)\n' +
' return {\n' +
' num\n' +
' }\n' +
' },\n' +
'}) '
type: 'code'.raw: '```css\n.button {\n color: red\n}\n```\n'.lang: 'css'.text: '.button {\n color: red\n}'}]Copy the code
It is obvious that using lang to determine the type of code, you can automatically retrieve the corresponding code fragment from the MD file via text, and you can retrieve it directly from lang when displaying and copying the corresponding code in Naive UI documents.
2.2 Find HTML, JS, and CSS code blocks in the Tokens array
let template, script, style
for (const token of tokens) {
if (token.type === 'code' && token.lang === 'html') {
template = token.text
} else if (token.type === 'code' && token.lang === 'js') {
script = token.text
} else if (token.type === 'code' && token.lang === 'css') {
style = token.text
Copy the code
2.3 Concatenate the.vue file string you want from the code block string
const vueComponent = `
<template>\n ${template} \n</template>
<script>\n ${script} \n</script>
<style>\n ${style} \n</style>
Copy the code
VueComponent is the string returned by demoLoader(code, path)
3. The plug-in@vitejs/plugin-vue
Compile vueComponent into a function component
In the viet.config.js plug-in configuration above, Vite eventually passes the demoLoader(code, path) return value to the next plug-in, vuePlugin
import createVuePlugin from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
const vuePlugin = createVuePlugin({ include: [/\.vue$/./\.md$/]})// Configure compilable.vue files
Copy the code
Curious what the vuePlugin does? In fact, the vue string is converted into a function component containing the render function. The front-end Vue router takes this function component and executes the internal render method. After generating vNodes, the old and new VNodes are diff algorithm to render the page.
Intellectual development
In the example above, only file can be converted per routing request. What if I need to use file as the root page and request other MD files to display other components in the root page, like Naive UI?
We can customize the rules. Demo-entry. Md ending for root page files, ending for different styles of components within the root page, If the vite plugin parses the file at the end of.demo-entry-md, the resulting code contains the words import colorDemo from β./xxx.demo.mdβ and is returned to the front end, the front end will request the import file again. Finally, the Vite plug-in parses file into a function component again and returns it to the front end.
Directory structure:
See Naive UI implementation
β β β build β β β the SRC β β β β button | | β β β demos, | | | β β β useful - CN β β β β β β β the size. The demo. The md/size/style show β β β β β β β Color. The demo. Md/color/style show β β β β β β β index. The demo - entry. Md / / document entry β β β β β the SRC β β β β β β Button. The ts / / components used in a document β β β β... βββ ββ exercises β ββ exercises β βββ ββ download.config.js // vite-plugin-mdCopy the code
Implementation principle:
In this case, the configuration of vite.config.js is as follows
export default defineConfig({
root: __dirname,
plugins: [{name: 'vite-plugin-md'.// Manually implement a vite plugin
async transform (_, path) {
const code = await fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8')
if (path.endsWith('')) {
return demoLoader(code, path)
} else if (path.endsWith('')) {
return docLoader(code, path) // Parse the file ending}},async handleHotUpdate (ctx) {
const { file } = ctx
if (fileRegex.test(file)) {
const code = await fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8')
let codeLoader
if (path.endsWith('')) {
codeLoader = demoLoader(code, path)
} else if (path.endsWith('')) {
codeLoader = docLoader(code, path)
returnvuePlugin.handleHotUpdate({ ... ctx,read: () = > codeLoader
vuePlugin // compilable files whose path ends with.vue],... })Copy the code
What did docLoader do? In fact, the MD file was first parsed into tokens array format by marked. Lexer
const marked = require('marked')
function docLoader(code, path) {
const tokens = marked.lexer(code)
return vueComponent
Copy the code
# Button ' 'demo color size'
# # table name | | | | type default value specified | | -- - | -- - | -- - | -- - | | block | ` Boolean ` | ` false ` | | button is displayed as block levelCopy the code
Index. After parsing:
const tokens = [
type: 'heading'.raw: '# Button \ n \ n'.depth: 1.text: 'Button'.tokens: [[Object]]}, {type: 'code'.raw: '```demo\ncolor\nsize\n```\n\n\n'.lang: 'demo'.text: 'color\nsize'
// The above structure can be converted to the following structure by custom rules
/ / {
// type: 'html',
// pre: false,
// text: '
// },
type: 'heading'.raw: '# # form \ n \ n'.depth: 2.text: 'form'.tokens: [[Object]]}, {type: 'table'.header: [ 'name'.'type'.'Default value'.'that'].align: [ null.null.null.null].cells: [[Array]],raw: 'name of | | | | type a default value that | \ n' +
'| --- | --- | --- | --- |\n' +
'| block | ` Boolean ` | ` false ` buttons display to block | | \ n'.tokens: { header: [Array].cells: [Array]}}]Copy the code
Marked. Parser converts elements of tokens such as heading and table into HTML code.
console.log( marked.parser([tokens[0]]))// Button
Copy the code
However, there are some tags that I donβt want to convert directly to HTML tags. I need to convert them to my own component, like this:
console.log( marked.parser([tokens[0]]))
Copy the code
How do you do that? We simply customize the marked renderer to replace the original conversion rules for some tags with ones we wrote ourselves
const marked = require('marked')
const html = marked.parser(tokens, {
gfm: true.GFM: true,
renderer: createRenderer() // Return the replaced rule
Copy the code
The createRenderer code looks like this:
function createRenderer (wrapCodeWithCard = true) {
const renderer = new marked.Renderer()
const overrides = { // Define your own rules
table (header, body) { // header
if (body) body = '<tbody>' + body + '</tbody>'
return (
'<div class="md-table-wrapper"><my-table single-column class="md-table">\n' +
'<thead>\n' +
header +
'</thead>\n' +
body +
'</my-table>\n' +
heading (text, level) {
return `<my-header${level}>${text}</my-header${level}> `}}Object.keys(overrides).forEach((key) = > {
renderer[key] = overrides[key] // override your own rules
return renderer
Copy the code
The resulting HTML looks something like this:
<my-header>Button Butto</my-header>
<colorDemo />
<sizeDemo />
<tr> <th>The name of the</th><th>type</th><th>The default value</th><th>instructions</th> </tr>
<td>Whether the button is displayed at the block level</td>
Copy the code
The file does not contain script code, so what can we do? With this we can manually concatenate a script code and import the used components into it. Convert the lang: βdemoβ element in Tokens into demoInfos by following the instructions of resolveDemoInfos
Finally we begin to concatenate script:
const demoInfos = [
id: 'color'.variable: 'colorDemo'.fileName: ''.tag: '<colorDemo />'.debug: false
id: 'size'.variable: 'sizeDemo'.fileName: ''.tag: '<sizeDemo />'.debug: false}]function genScript (demoInfos, components = []) {
const importStmts = demoInfos
.map(({ variable, fileName }) = > `import ${variable} from './${fileName}'`)
const componentStmts = demoInfos
.map(({ variable }) = > variable)
const script = `
import MyTable from 'my-table'
import MyTable1 from 'my-header1'
import MyTable2 from 'my-header2'
import { computed } from 'vue'
export default {
components: {
setup () {
return script
const script = genScript(demoInfos)
Copy the code
After successful splicing
const script = ` `
Copy the code
Finally, HTML and script are stitched together again to form a vue file string, which vite passes to the next plug-in, vueLugin, to compile into a function component, which is returned to the front end, and youβre done!
const vueComponent = `
<div> ${html} </div>
Copy the code