
I recently studied the use of Pyecharts, which is a python visualization tool, and then I thought about using wechat to play together without saying anything, just to see the effect:

Environment configuration

pip install pyecharts
pip install snapshot_selenium
pip install echarts-countries-pypkg
pip install echarts-china-provinces-pypkg
pip install echarts-china-cities-pypkg
pip install echarts-china-counties-pypkg
pip install wxpy
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Get friends

It is mainly to obtain the basic data of friends, and the data visualization code is as follows:

from wxpy import Bot, Chat

class Demo(Chat):

    def get_friend(a):
        bot = Bot()
        friends = bot.friends(update=True)

        friend_data = []
        for friend in friends:
            if == 1:
                sex = "Male"
            elif == 2:
                sex = "Female"
                sex = ""
            friend_dict = {
                "province": friend.province,
                "sex": sex,
                "signature": friend.signature,


        return friend_data
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What is returned is a list of wechat friends, including their city, province, gender and personality signatures.

Geographic coordinate map

The geographic coordinate system component is used for map drawing, supporting the drawing of scatter diagrams and line sets in the geographic coordinate system.

In Pyecharts, geographic coordinates are mainly based on the Geo module

def geo_base(a):
    city_data = get_data()
    geo = Geo(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme="vintage"))
    for city in city_data:
            geo.add_schema(maptype="china", itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(color="gray"))
            geo.add("Wechat Friends Distribution Map", [city], type_="effectScatter", symbol_size=10)
            geo.set_global_opts(visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(), title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="Wechat Friends Distribution Map"),except Exception as e:

    # geo.render("geo.html")
    make_snapshot(driver, geo.render(), "geo.png")
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This will generate a geo. PNG image in the current directory

This picture is the wechat friends distribution map of China

Heat map

Heatmap is also based on the Geo module. The only difference between type and ADD function is heatmap

The code is as follows:

def heat_map(a):
    city_data = get_data()
    geo = Geo(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(theme="vintage"))
    for city in city_data:
            geo.add_schema(maptype="Guangdong", itemstyle_opts=opts.ItemStyleOpts(color="gray"))
            geo.add("Heat Map of Friends in Guangdong", [city], type_="heatmap", symbol_size=10)
            geo.set_global_opts(visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(), title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="Thermal map"), toolbox_opts=opts.ToolboxOpts())
        except :

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For example, you can select the data of a certain province, and the result after running:

Above is the heat map of wechat friends distribution in Guangdong

National distribution map

The Map is extended based on the Map module using the function add

Def add(# series name for tooltip display, legend filter. Series_name: STR, # data item (coordinate point name, coordinate point value) data_pair: Sequence, # maptype, see pyecharts.datasets.map_filenames. STR = "China ", # is_selected: bool = True, # enable mouse zooming and panning. Is_roam: bool = True, center: Optional[Sequence] = None, Zoom: Optional[Numeric] = 1, # specifies the locale name mapping name_map: Optional[dict] = None, # marks the figure shape symbol: Is_map_symbol_show: bool = True, # tag configuration item, see 'series_options.LabelOpts' label_opts: Union[opts.labelopts, dict] = opts.labelopts (), see 'series_options.tooltipopts' tooltip_opts: Union[opts.tooltipopts, dict, None] = None, # series_options.ItemStyleOpts' itemSTYLE_opts: Union[opts.ItemStyleOpts, dict, None] = None, )Copy the code

The code is as follows:

def map_base(a):
    province_data = province_list()
    maps = Map()
    maps.add("", province_data, "china")
    maps.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="Wechat Friend Distribution Map"), visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts())

    make_snapshot(driver, geo.render(), "map.png")
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After running, it is to generate the picture shown at the beginning of the article, isn’t it very interesting!

Word cloud

Friend city distribution word cloud

c = (
            .add("", city_list, word_size_range=[15.50], shape="diamond", word_gap=10)
        make_snapshot(driver, c.render(), "world.png")
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The effect is as follows:

The bar chart

Let’s take a look at the effect:

The code is as follows:

def bar_datazoom_slider(a) -> Bar:
    city_data = get_data()
    c = (
        Bar(init_opts=opts.InitOpts(page_title="Bar chart"))
        .add_xaxis([city[0] for city in city_data])
        .add_yaxis("City population", [city[1] for city in city_data])
            title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="Bar chart of friends' cities"),
            datazoom_opts=[opts.DataZoomOpts(orient="vertical")))return c
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Finally, another fun way to provide your wechat profile picture:

Look at the picture first:

In addition, can also customize text, will want to make their own text, input can!

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Recommended reading

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Python Data Visualization artifact – Pyecharts quick start