Vscode IDE download and install
The solution to slow download or download failure of VSCode official website is to replace some download address prefixes with vscode.cdn.azure.
Install the plug-in and configuration as follows
Visual Studio Code recommends installing plug-ins:
- Chinese(Simplified) Language
- ESLint
- Git Blame
- indent-rainbow
- vue
- vue-beautify
- Sass
- Auto Close Tag
- Auto Rename Tag
- GitLens
- Rainbow-Tags
- Leek box, as a few false base people, of course, little
The following configuration is related to esLint save automatic formatting and other custom configurations, by the way recommend several funds 😂
Configure default Settings preferences – Settings
{ "editor.fontSize": 12, "editor.autoFixOnSave": true, "eslint.validate": [ "javascript", "javascriptreact", { "language": "html", "autoFix": true }, { "language": "vue", "autoFix": true }, { "language": "css", "autoFix": true } ], "eslint.alwaysShowStatus": true, "git.ignoreMissingGitWarning": true, "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll.eslint": true }, // "[vue]": { // "editor.defaultFormatter": "octref.vetur" // }, // "[javascript]": { // "editor.defaultFormatter": "HookyQR.beautify" // }, "workbench.sideBar.location": "left", "files.associations": { "*.cjson": "jsonc", "*.wxss": "css", "*.wxs": "javascript", "*.vue": "vue", "*.ttss": "css" }, "emmet.includeLanguages": { "wxml": "html", "ttml": "html", "vue-html": "html", "vue": "html", "javascript": "javascriptreact", "plaintext": "jade" }, "minapp-vscode.disableAutoConfig": true, "svn.enableProposedApi": "product", "workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme", "breadcrumbs.enabled": true, "workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai", "files.autoSave": "afterDelay", "[html]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.html-language-features" }, "editor.formatOnPaste": true, "editor.formatOnType": true, "editor.tabSize": 2, "diffEditor.renderSideBySide": false, "html.autoClosingTags": false, "beautify.config": { "brace_style": "none,preserve-inline", "indent_size": 2, "indent_char": " ", "jslint_happy": false, "unformatted": [ "" ], "css": { "indent_size": 2 } }, "beautify.ignore": "", "vetur.validation.template": false, "[scss]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode" // "editor.defaultFormatter": "HookyQR.beautify" }, "[javascript]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-features" }, "indentRainbow.indentSetter": {}, "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": null, "javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always", "editor.suggestSelection": "first", "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue", "workbench.editorAssociations": [ ], "leek-fund.funds": [" 519642 ", "519674", "320007", "001102", "002560", "001618", "005918", "001210", "004250", "150103"]. "leek-fund.flash-news": true, "leek-fund.fundSort": -2, "leek-fund.fundAmount": { "150103": { "name": "Earnings ", "amount": 301449.96, "price": "1.0603", "unitPrice": 0," Earnings ": 1449.96, "priceDate": "2021-05-28"}, "320007" : {" name ":" lion mixed growth ", "amount" : 329569, "price" : "1.7270", "unitPrice" : 0, "the way" : - 3244.17, "priceDate" : "2021-05-28"}, "519642" : {" name ":" galaxy smart mixed ", "amount" : 108613.38, "price" : (1) ", "unitPrice": 0, "earnings": 782.62, "priceDate": "2021-05-28"}, "519674": { 550773.25, "price": "6.0796", "unitPrice": 0, "earnings": -7800.11, "priceDate": "2021-05-28"}, "002560": {"name": "Amount ": 528020.94, "price": 1.4114, "unitPrice": 0," Earnings ": -6060.61, "priceDate": "2021-05-28"}, "001618": {"name": "etP ", "price": "1.4567", "unitPrice": 0, "earnings": -1572.17, "priceDate": "2021-05-28"}, "005918": {"name": "priceDate": "2021-05-28"}, "price": "1.4769", "unitPrice" : 0, "the way" : 528.38, "priceDate" : "2021-05-28"}, "001102" : {" name ": "Qianhai Open Source country mixed COMPARATIVE Advantage A", "amount": 107514.82, "price": "4.0920", "unitPrice": 0," Earnings ": -262.74, "priceDate": "2021-05-28"}, "001210" : {" name ":" celestica hybrid Internet ", "amount" : 102599.92, "price" : "1.1089", "unitPrice" : 0, "the way" : - 638.42, "priceDate" : "2021-05-28"}, "004250" : {" name ":" galaxy quantitative optimization mixing ", "amount" : 49873.6, "price" : "1.8545", "unitPrice": 0, "earnings": -126.4, "priceDate": "2021-05-28"}}, "leek-fund. Stocks ": [ "sh000688", "sh000001", "sh000300", "sh000016", "hk03690", "hk00700", "usr_ixic", "usr_dji", "usr_inx", "sh518880", "sh512480" ], "leek-fund.immersiveBackground": true, "leek-fund.stockSort": -1, "gitlens.advanced.blame.customArguments": [] }Copy the code
CTRL + S (Win) Command + S (MAC) save ESLint self-formatting if it does not take effect, click on the lower right side of the edit window to enable ESLint.
Recommended Shortcut Keys
Part ONE: Documents
- Ctrl+N Creates a new file
- Ctrl+Shift+N Creates a new window
- Ctrl+O opens the file
- Ctrl+T opens the most recent file
Part two: Editing
- Ctrl + Z
- Ctrl + Y
- Ctrl + X shear
- Ctrl + C to copy
- Ctrl + V to paste
- Ctrl + F to find
- Ctrl + H to replace
- CTRL + G: Jumps the specified line
- Ctrl+Shift+F find in the file
- Ctrl+Shift+H replaces in the file
- Ctrl+/ toggles line comments
- Alt+Shift+A Toggle block comment
- Ctrl+Shift+K deletes the current line
- Ctrl+Enter inserts below the current line
- Ctrl+Shift+Enter inserts above the current line
- Ctrl+Shift+\ Jumps to matching brackets
- Home goes to the beginning of the line
- End goes to the End of the line
- Ctrl+Home goes to the top of the page
- Ctrl+End goes to the End of the page
- Ctrl+↑ / ↓ Scroll up/down
- Alt+PgUp/PgDown To scroll up or down
- Ctrl+Shift+{Collapses the current code block
- Ctrl+Shift+} expands the current code block
- Ctrl+{collapses all child code blocks
- Ctrl+} expands all child code blocks
- Ctrl+0 collapses all code blocks
- Ctrl+J expands all code blocks
- Ctrl+/ Add/remove line comments
- Shift+Alt+A Adds/removes block comments
- Alt+Z wrap
- Alt, CTRL +C, and CTRL +V, copy and paste
Part three: Selection
- Ctrl + A selection
- Atl+Shift+↑(up) Copies a row up
- Atl+Shift+↓(down) Copies a row down
- Atl+↑(up) Moves up a row
- Atl+↓(down) Moves a row down
- Atl+Ctrl+↑(up) To add the cursor
- Atl+Ctrl+↓(down) Add the cursor below
- Ctrl+D adds the next match
- Ctrl+Shift+L Selects all matches
Part four: Viewing
- Ctrl+Shift+L Selects all matches
- Ctrl + Shift + U output
- Ctrl + Shift + M
- Ctrl+Shift+Y debug the console
- Ctrl+J toggles panels
- Ctrl+B toggles the sidebar
- Alt+Z toggles auto wrap
- Enlarge Ctrl++ (=)
- Ctrl + – (-)
- Part five: Transfer to
- Ctrl+Page Up toggles editor, previous editor
- Ctrl+Page Down toggles the editor, next editor