Background description

Let arr = [{t: time,v: value}] saves nearly two hours of data. Array length is certain, use timer interval 30 seconds to calculate the data, delete the first element of the array, add the latest data to the end of the array.

Problem description

When my browser window is minimized or I switch to another page, the page timer stops. When too much time is switched back again, the timer is activated and the data in my time array will be abnormal.

The solution

Use VisiBilityChange to listen for the visibility of the window and initialize it when the visibility is repaired

mounted() {
    // Perform initialization for the first time
    this.timer = setInterval(() = > {
        // Execute on time
    }, 3000);
    // Use visiBilityChange to listen on whether the window is visible
methods: {
    handleVisiable(e) {
        // The window is visible
      if ( === "visible") {
        // reinitialize the time
        this.init(); }},getData(){
    // My business operation data
    / / initialization
      let d = new Date(a); d.setHours(d.getHours() -1);
      this.startDate = d;
      arr = []
/ / destroy
beforeDestroy() {
    this.timer = "";
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