After you have installed and configured a VM, you do not want to repeat the same operations to create a NEW VM. In this case, you can use the replication function of VirtualBox to quickly copy a new VM from an existing VM

Copy a VM.

To ensure that the source VM is shut down, right-click and choose Copy

To set the MAC address, select: Generate MAC addresses for all network adapters so that the newly copied VM network does not conflict with the original one. Other options are shown in The figure

Configure the hardware of the new VM

The hardware of the copied VM is the same as that of the source VM. If the hardware is not suitable, adjust it

If the hard disk size also needs to be adjusted However, the hard disk can only be enlarged, not reduced

Example Change the host name of the new VM

Start a new VM and change the host name

Hostnamectl set-hostname specifies the hostnameCopy the code

For example, hostNamectl set-hostname

Also modify the HOSTNAME in the network file

vi /etc/sysconfig/network
Copy the code

The following

The HOSTNAME = host nameCopy the code

Modifying the hosts file

Check hosts for any inappropriate places

vi /etc/hosts
Copy the code