VJTools, vipSHOP is the main Java, about Java some small background: ViPSHOP Java development Manual, core basic class library, troubleshooting tools. Everyone looks good, please “Star” :


1. Vipshop Java Development Manual

“Alibaba Java development Manual”, is the first public enterprise Java development manual, significant.

We added some items based on vipSHOP’s internal experience and referred to some important materials such as Clean Code and Effective Java. At the same time, we deleted some relatively less general rules to make the specification more concise and easy to remember.

For example, in the annotation specification, “all classes must have creator and creation date added”. We feel that a piece of code must be maintained by many people, and it is better to give GIT the modifier record.

In constant rewriting, specifications become darker, brighter, thinner, thicker, cloudier, clearer, more mixed, purer… Thanks ali for authorizing our capricious modifications.

2. Core class library VJKit

The combination of the best of many open source libraries allows developers to avoid reinventing the underlying code and have best practices by default, especially when it comes to performance.

VJKit does two things for the “text, numbers, dates, files, collections, concurrency, and reflection” developer’s daily routine:

The first is to refine and categorize the most commonly used apis in Guava and Common Lang, so that people don’t have to face a lot of apis.

Secondly, the essence of each school is borrowed and transplanted. For example, some large projects are attached with basic libraries such as Netty and ElasticSearch, some professional basic libraries such as Jodd, and some large factories’ basic libraries such as Facebook and Twitter.

3. Tool set VJMap

The generational version of JMAP (New generation, living area, old generation) is a powerful tool for identifying the causes of slow memory leaks and old generation growth.

Jmap-histo PID prints object statistics for the entire Heap, and in order to locate the problem, we need to look exclusively at the OldGen object and the Survivor tool.

Salute R university, ideas from TBJMap, refurbished support JDK8, support Survivor area old object filtering, as well as the large scale to output results do not look at the neck of the persistent.

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4. Tool set -VJTop

If you are used to viewing “OS indicators and busy processes” with Top, you are also recommended to view “JVM indicators and CPU busiest, most memory occupying threads” with VJTop.

Secondary development on JVMTop, combined with SJK ideas, from /proc, PerfData, JMX, etc., with higher performance, get more information.

5. Last word

VJTools official wechat discussion group, please search wechat account viptech128(technology only), add friends and join.

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