
A Material Design style news App, using Mvp + RxJava + Retrofit + Dagger2 Design mode, the overall style of NavigationView + Fragment development.

Project screenshots

Open source libraries used

  • Reactive extensions on the RxJava JVM, a library that implements asynchronous operations
  • RxAndroid Android provides the Joins operation for RxJava
  • Retrofit type safe Http client, best served with RxJava
  • Dagger2 is a fast dependency injection library for Android and Java
  • RxLifecycle prevents subscription from causing memory leaks in RxJava
  • Glide image loading and caching library, can load GIF
  • PhotoView a library of images that can be zoomed based on gestures
  • Butterknife binds Android views and callback methods to fields and methods, the masterwork of JakeWharton

The RecyclerView drop-down refresh in the project is to use SwipeRefreshLayout to load more news list. I am using the native write, gaan. IO I package a BaseRecyclerViewAdapter, may not package very well. But if you look at it a little bit you can basically write a generic one yourself.

The data source

  • Skyline data Api

Learning goals

  • MVP mode
  • Dagger2 is the foundation of MVP
  • The Material Design application

The last

I don’t know what it says… � � � � � �

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