In recent years, microservices architecture has become a hot topic in IT. A large number of first-tier Internet companies have invested in the construction of micro-service architecture due to their huge business volume and business needs. Big companies such as Alibaba, Baidu and Meituan have started the practice and application of micro-service very early on.

Whether you use Apache Dubbo or Spring Cloud, you can try microservices to break down complex and large business systems into smaller and independently deployed Rest services.

Article Contents

  1. Introduction to the microservice architecture
  2. Spring Cloud overview
  3. The basis of Spring Clou: SpringBoot
  4. Service registration and discovery: Fureka
  5. Declarative ESTfu1 client: Spring Cloud OpenFei MN
  6. Circuit breaker: Hystrix
  7. Client load balancer: Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon
  8. API Gateway: Spring Cloud Gateway
  9. Configuration center: Spring Cloud Config
  10. Message driven: Spring Cloud Stream
  11. Message Bus: Spring Cloud Bu
  12. Authentication and Authorization: Spring CloudSecurity
  13. Service link Tracing: Spring Cloud Sleuth

Introduction to the microservice architecture

Content outline: Single application architecture, S0A architecture, microservice architecture, schools of microservice architecture, cloud native and microservice


Spring Cloud overview

Content outline: Spring Cloud Architecture, Spring Cloud Context: Application Context, Spring Cloud Commons: public abstraction


Springcloud foundation – SpringBoot

Abstract: Introduction to Springboot, Build a microservice, Springboot configuration files (default configuration, externalization, YAML, automatic loading of external properties into beans, multiple profiles, Starter, One Starter, Actuator)


Service registration and discovery: Eureka

Content outline: Fureka introduction and construction Eur Eka service registration, Set up Eureka service provider, set up Eureka service caller, Fureks service registration and discovery, simple application of Consu1, read application configuration information, service discovery client, pull registry information, service registration, initialize scheduled task, service offline, service instance registry, service registration , Receiving service heartbeat, service culling, service offline, cluster synchronization, Eureka Instance and Client metadata, status page and health check page port Settings, zone and availability, high availability service registry


Declarative ESTfu1 client: Spring Cloud OpenFeimn

Content outline: Interaction between microservices, Introduction to OpenFeien, code examples, core components and concepts, dynamic registration of BeanDefini, instance initialization, function calls and network requests, customization of Decoder and Encoder, request/response compression


Circuit breaker: Hystrix

Content outline: RestTemplate and Hystrix, OpenFei Mn and Hystrix, Service avalanche, circuit breaker, service degradation operation, resource isolation, Hystrix implementation ideas, Encapsulation HystrixC ommand, and Hystri xComm And class structure, asynchronous callback execution commands, asynchronous and synchronous execution commands, circuit breaker logic, resource isolation, request timeout monitoring, failure rollback logic, asynchronous and asynchronous callback execution commands, inheriting Hystr ixCommand, request merge


Client load balancer: Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon

Content outline: Load balancing, basic applications, configuration and instance initialization, integration with 0penFei, Load balancer LoadBalancerClient, ILoadBalancer, Load balancing policy implementation, Ribbon API, Using Netty to send network requests, read-only database load balancing


API Gateway: Spring Cloud Gateway

Content outline: User service, Gateway service, client access, initial configuration, Gateway processor, Route definition locator, Route locator, Route assertion, Gateway filter, global filter, API endpoint, traffic limiting mechanism, fusing degradation, Gateway retry filter


  1. Configuration center: Spring Cloud Config

Content outline: Configure client, configure warehouse, Server, configure authentication, configure dynamic update, configure Server, configure client, configure multiple REPOs for Config Server, client overwrite remote configuration, attribute override, security protection, encryption and decryption, quick response failure and retry mechanism


Message driven: Spring Cloud Stream

Content outline: Message queues, declaration and binding channels, custom channels, receiving messages, Configuration, dynamic registration of BearDefinition, binding service, getting Binder, binding producer, process For sending messages, Binder For RocketMQ, multi-instance, Partitioning



Message Bus: Spring Cloud Bu

Content outline: Configure server, configure client, result validation, event definition and event listener, message subscription and publication, control endpoint, register event in custom package, custom listener, event initiator



Authentication and Authorization: Spring CloudSecurity

Content outline: 0Auth2 Introduction, JWT, Setting up authorization Server, Configuring resource Server, Accessing restricted Resources, Overall Architecture, Security Context, Authentication, Authorization, 12.3.4 Filters and interceptors in Spring Security, Authorization Server, Resource Server, token relay mechanism, Spring Securi Ty customization, 0Auth2 customization, SS0 single sign-on



Service link Tracing: Spring Cloud Sleuth

Content outline: Introduction of link monitoring component, features, project preparation, Independent implementation of Spring Cloud S1 EUTH, integrated Zipkin



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