In 2021, are you still submitting code from a command line in a terminal? Are you still using right-click-git for submission? Out ~ Come and try the shortcut keys
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WebStorm shortcuts Mac Version (a)- Editing
WebStorm Shortcut Keys for Mac (2)- Multiple Carets and Selections
WebStorm shortcuts for Mac (3)- Runing, Debugging
WebStorm shortcuts for Mac (4)- Navigation
WebStorm shortcuts for Mac (5)- Search/Replace
WebStorm shortcuts for Mac (6)- Refactoring
⌃V Recommended Index 

Git related operations, you have to worry about some functions without shortcuts
⌘K Recommended index 
contribution ️
Commit information, eliminating git add./ and allowing you to write bugs faster
⌘T Recommended index 
contribution ️
Pull code, equivalent to Git pull
Contributescontribute K Recommendation index 
contribution ️
Commit code is equivalent to a Git push