A binary tree structure

Let’s look at the basic structure of a binary tree.

                  1 (root)
                /   \
   (root.left) 2       3 (root.right)
             /  \   /  \
            4    5 6    7
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Binary trees are an updated version of the linked list structure. What’s better about them than linked lists? A node in a linked list has only one child node, whereas a binary tree has two. A node in a binary tree will hold at least two Pointers, one to its left child and one to its right child. Let’s look at the node structure of a binary tree:

 class TreeNode {
    TreeNode left;// Left child of the current node
    TreeNode right;// Right child of the current node
    int value;/ / data
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For the binary tree structure, how do we access each node? Usually, there are several kinds of binary tree traversal, first sequence traversal, in sequence traversal, after the sequence traversal and level traversal, for after the first sequence traversal, we can simply understand to, are on the parent node, that is to say, I’m traversal of a binary tree, is the first access to the parent node, then visit left child node, right child nodes, is called the first sequence traversal. In the three nodes, the left child node is traversed first, the parent node is traversed in the middle, and the right child node is traversed last, which is the middle order traversal. The left child node is visited first, then the right child node, and finally the parent node, which is a back-order traversal. Sequential traversal is a layer of nodes traversed from left to right. So for our given binary tree structure, the result of the first order traversal is: 1,2,4,5,3,6,7, the result of the middle order traversal is: 4,2,5,1,6,3,7, and the result of the second order traversal is: 4,5,2,6,7,3,1. The sequence traversal results are: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. How do you do that in code? It’s actually very simple, and we can do it recursively.

Recursively traverses the binary tree

  • Recursion is sequential traversal
    // Recursively traverses the binary tree first
    public void preOrderRecursive(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) return;// End condition of recursion
        System.out.print(root.value + "");// Before accessing the left and right child nodes *, access the current node data and print
        preOrderRecursive(root.left);// The left child node is traversed in order
        preOrderRecursive(root.right);// Walk through the right child node first

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  • Sequential traversal in recursion
    // The binary tree is traversed recursively
    public void inOrderRecursive(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) return;// End condition of recursion
        inOrderRecursive(root.left);// The left child node is traversed in order
        System.out.print(root.value + "");// Access between left and right child nodes *, access the current node data and print
        inOrderRecursive(root.right);// The sequence traverses the right child node
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  • Recursive order traversal
    // the binary tree is traversed recursively
    public void postOrderRecursive(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) return;// End condition of recursion
        postOrderRecursive(root.left);// The left child node is traversed sequentially
        postOrderRecursive(root.right);// Walk through the right child node in sequence
        System.out.print(root.value + "");// After accessing the left and right child nodes *, access the current node data and print it
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As you can see, the way to recursively traverse a binary tree is very simple, so if we don’t want to recursively traverse a binary tree, what do we do?

3. Traversing the binary tree in a non-recursive manner

Without further ado, let’s get right to the code:

  • The first sequence traversal
    public void preOrder(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) return;
        System.out.println("binary tree pre order traverse: ");
        Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<>();// Use the stack structure to store access information
        while(! stack.isEmpty()) { root = stack.pop();// Access the current node when it is popped from the stack
            System.out.println("cur = " + root.value);// Displays node information
            if(root.right ! =null) {// Because of the lifO nature of the stack, we will push the right node first, ensuring that it is accessed after the left node
            if(root.left ! =null) {// The left node is pushed back and the first node is eject to ensure that the parent node -> left node -> right node access orderstack.push(root.left); }}}Copy the code
  • In the sequence traversal

    Middle order traversal can also be understood asfigureThe depth-first traversal (DFS) for the left child of the parent node goes back to explore other nodes when there is no way out.
    public void inOrder(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) return;
        System.out.println("binary tree in order traverse: ");
        Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<>();// Also need a stack to assist the operation, compared to the sequential traversal, no stack first
        while(! stack.isEmpty() || root ! =null) {
            if(root ! =null) {
                root = root.left;// If a node has left children, the left children are pushed until there are no left children
            } else {// If the current traversal node has no left child node, the left node is accessed
                root = stack.pop();
                System.out.println("val = " + root.value);// Access node information and print it
                root = root.right;// Since the current node has no left child, the current pointer advances to the right child, and the process is repeated}}}Copy the code
  • After sequence traversal sequence traversal process and sequence traversal can be understood as the process of the first is on the contrary, for in the first sequence traversal process – > right – > left, after the sequence traversal process for left – > right – >, we understand, reversed the first sequence traversal process execution, swaps, again about the node access sequence can, on the basis of prior sequence traversal sequence traversal after implementation.
    public void postOrder(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) return;
        System.out.println("binary tree post order traverse: ");
        Stack<TreeNode> stack1 = new Stack<>();// Backorder traversal requires two stacks
        Stack<TreeNode> stack2 = new Stack<>();// Invert the result of the sequence traversal
        while(! stack1.isEmpty()) { root = stack1.pop(); stack2.push(root);if(root.left ! =null) {// Note that this is different from sequential traversal in that the left node is pushed first, i.e. the access order of the left and right nodes is reversed
            if(root.right ! =null) { stack1.push(root.right); }}while(! stack2.isEmpty()) {// Use the last-in, first-out feature of the stack to invert the entire traversal result of the first order, i.e., to obtain the desired post-order traversal result
            System.out.println(stack2.pop().value + ""); }}Copy the code

4. Sequence traversal binary tree

Binary tree can be understood as a graph with a specific structure, and sequence traversal is an embodiment of breadth first traversal (BFS) of the graph. Here we use the structure of a queue to aid in traversal. Queues are characterized by first in, first out.

    public void levelOrder(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) return;
        System.out.println("binary tree level traverse: ");
        Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
        while(! queue.isEmpty()) { root = queue.poll();// The nodes in the advanced queue are popped up first and accessed first
            System.out.print(root.val + "");
            if(root.left ! =null) {// Each parent node has left and right child nodes. Hierarchical traversal means that the parent node is accessed first and then the left and right child nodes are accessed in order from left to right.
                queue.offer(root.left);// The left child node is queued. The next cycle is to eject the left child node and queue the left and right children of the left child node.
            if(root.right ! =null) {
                queue.offer(root.right);// The right child node is queued,
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Five, the summary

This paper introduces several basic traversal methods of binary tree, and gives the implementation code of recursive and non-recursive traversal, through the code annotation to deeply understand the traversal process of binary tree.