• Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

A, wacthEffect

  • Execute immediately, without immediate
  • Listen, watchEffect is executed immediately, without immediate, without passing the contents of the listen, automatically aware of code dependencies, without passing arguments, just passing a callback function that does not retrieve the previous value
  • If you need to disable the listener, you can call back the listener function
const stop = watchEffect(()=>{
        // console.log('num:',num.value);
        // console.log('num:',str.value);
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Second, the watch

  • You need to manually enable the immediate function
// Specify the main listening value num
      watch(num,(val,oval) = >{
        // val: new value,oval: previous value
        // console.log(num.value);
        // console.log(val,oval);}, {// Obj immediate,deep
      immediate:true// The default is to listen only when the data changes,
      // It will not be executed the first time it is created. If set to true, it will be executed the first time
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  • Listen for the ref’s data source
  • Listening to reactive data sources
  • 1.1 The first method of interception

// Listen for changes in object data under the state id
      watch(state,(val,oval) = >{
        // console.log('id',val.id,oval);}, {immediate:true.deep:true// Enable depth monitoring to listen for changes in object property values
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  • 1.2 The second method of interception

/ / listen for the state. The uname
      watch(() = >state.uname,(uname,p) = >{
        //uname new value,p old value
        console.log(uname,p); }, {immediate:true
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  • 1.3 Listening to multiple data sources

// Listen for multiple data (id,uname)
    //()=>state.id, equivalent to //object.values(toRefs(state))
     const stop = watch([() = >state.id,() = >state.uname],([id,uname],[oid,oname]) = >{
        // Id is new, OID is old
        // uname new,oname old
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The last

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