Detailed explanation of signature file
Take the unsigned LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := take the unsigned LOCAL_CERTIFICATE Media Take the media signature file signature platform Take the platform signature file signature shared Take the shared signature file signature the prestake if the files are signed and do not need to be signed again.Copy the code
System App is different from Priv-app
LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE := true LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE is a variable when the Android ROM is compiled, which is related to compilation, installation, and permission management. For Android applications, the LOCAL_PRIVILEGED_MODULE determines the installation position of the compiled privileged_module in the ROM: If not set or set to false, the installation position is System /app. If set to true, the installation location is System /priv-app.Copy the code
Adb sets and views the current value of Global
1. adb shell settings put system screen_off_timeout 120000
2. adb shell settings get system screen_off_timeout
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