Variable, function declaration, variable scope


console.log(x) // function x () {}
var x = 1
function x() {} var x;function x () {}; console.log(x); x = 1
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var a = 5
function todo() {var a = 9 //return function () {
    a = 7
console.log(a) // 5
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var a = 5
function todo() {a = 9} //return function () {
    a = 7
console.log(a) // 7
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var n = 3
function getn () {
  return n
var getn2 = (function(){
  n = 4
  var n 
  n = n*2
  return getn
  function getn () {
    return n

console.log(getn2()) // 8
console.log(getn()) // 3
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var n = 3
function getn () {
  return n
var getn2 = (function(){
  n = 4
  n = n*2
  return getn
  function getn () {
    return n

console.log(getn2()) // 8
console.log(getn()) // 8
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var n = 3
function getn () {
  return n
var getn2 = (function(){
  n = 4
  var n 
  n = n*2
  return getn

console.log(getn2()) // 3
console.log(getn()) // 3
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This points to the

n = 1
var obj = {
  n: 4,
  dbl: (function(){ 
    this.n *= 2
    return function () {
      this.n *= 2
var dbl = obj.dbl
console.log(n, obj.n) // 4 8
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New ()

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function Foo () {
    getName = function () { console.log('1'} getName = getName = getName = getName = getName = getName = getName = getName = getName = getName = getName = getName =function () { console.log('4'} is assigned tofunction () { console.log('1'}), if not found, go to the window object, if not found in the window object create a] // 【this.getName =function () { console.log('6'} [example attribute] if this line is not annotated, the last two lines can be found here.returnThis / / 【 constructor has no return value | | return to basic types, the actual return to instantiate objects; returns a reference type - > is the actual return this reference type]} Foo getName =function () { console.log('2'} // Foo. Prototype.getname =function () { console.log('3'} // var getName =function () { console.log('4')}function getName() { console.log('5'} foo.getName () // 2 access object property getName() // 4 equivalent to: var getName;function getName() { console.log('5')}; getName =function () { console.log('4')}; Foo().getName() // 1 Foo() returns this to window, so it is equivalent to: window.getName(), where getName has been assigned tofunction () { console.log('1'} getName() // 1 equivalent to: window.getName() new foo.getName () // 2 equivalent to: new (foo.getName)() new Foo().getName() // 3 equivalent to: (new Foo()).getName(), this returned by new Foo() refers to the instance object. New new Foo().getName() // 3 = new ((new Foo()).getName)(), = getName(), = getName();function () { console.log('3'}) as a constructorCopy the code