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Reading to share

  • This is how you understand the JavaScript memory model!

As programmers, declaring variables, initializing variables, and reassigning variables are our daily tasks. But what actually happens when you do that? How does JavaScript handle these basic functions internally? More importantly, what’s in it for us as programmers to understand the low-level details of JavaScript?

  • This article shows you how to troubleshoot memory leak caused page lag

If the page is stuck, what do you think might be causing it? Is there any way to pinpoint the cause and fix it?

  • 5 minutes to master IoC in JavaScript

LoC: Inversion of Control. It is an implementation that relies on the Dependence Inversion Principle, which is interface oriented programming. The implementation of IoC relies on third-party containers to decouple dependent objects and reduce development and maintenance costs. With the decorator pattern, high and low modular dependencies can be more elegantly implemented.

  • CSS Text-decoration & text-emphasis

In this article, we introduce two new concepts of text-decoration and text-emphasis. In the end, we also introduce some interesting dynamic effects of using background to simulate text underline.

  • Eight common defensive front-end programming scenarios

Defensive programming can improve project quality and be more user friendly. This article introduces some common defensive programming solutions.

  • How do you bluff an interviewer when they ask you vue.extend?

Vue. Extend is a global API in Vue that provides a flexible way to mount components. This API is rarely used in daily development because it is only useful for special needs.

  • Summary of new Vue3.0 features and changes to use (for actual work)

Vue3.0 was officially released in September last year, and many people warmly embraced it. This article is a summary of the author’s experience in using Vue3.0, as well as some features of Vue3.0.

  • What is the Module field in package.json

Looking through the package.json documentation, I couldn’t find the definition of the Module field, which Google didn’t know was one of the earliest concepts in rollup – pkG.module…

  • What 99% of developers don’t know about Babel

As a tool developer, the Babel correlation problem is hard to get around.

  • How to promote the front-end stack: Tencent Serverless front-end landing and practice

Serverless is a hot technology at present and is considered to be the future direction of cloud computing development. It has many advantages such as o&M free, reduced development cost, automatic expansion on demand and so on. Especially in the field of front-end research and development, using Node to develop cloud functions can make front-end engineers more focused on business logic and realize the role change of full-stack engineers…

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We are the front end team, left hand component library, right hand tool library, all kinds of technology savage growth.

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