The installation

Step 1: Install via NPM

If you haven't already initialized the project, be sure to initialize it first. 1.npm init 2.npm install # 3. Install NPM i@vant/appellate P-s --production install NPM i@vant/appellate P-s --production install NPM I@vant/appellate P-s --production install NPM I@vant/appellate P-s --production install NPM I@vant/appellate P-s --production -S --productionCopy the code

Step 2: Build the NPM package

Open wechat developer tools, click Tools -> Build NPM, and check the use NPM module option. After the build is complete, you can introduce components

Step 3: Use

  1. The introduction of the component

Using the Button component as an example, you only need to configure the path for the Button in app.json or index.json

If you are using @vant/ retry by downloading the source code, change the path to the same directory that @vant/ retry is in.

// app.json
"usingComponents": {
   "van-button": "/miniprogram_npm/@vant/weapp/button/index"
Copy the code
  1. Using the component

Once components are introduced, they can be used directly in WXML

<van-button type="primary"> </van-button>Copy the code