A love investment, travel, sports, sharing of the big front-end development. This life, is committed to becoming the investment industry’s technology tycoon, technology buffett!

Wechat official account: Flying Dragon at valley bottom

Life plan: first bucket of gold at 30, small achievement at 35, financial freedom at 40, retirement at 50 and travel around the world

JavaScript advanced

  • Execution context and execution stack
  • Five ways to bind this
  • Call, apply, bind, new
  • Constructor, prototype, prototype chain
  • Common Inheritance patterns
  • Depth copy
  • Memory mechanism

Webpack basics and advancements

  • “Webpack Basics” common configuration interpretation
  • Webpack Basic CSS Loader configuration Description

Front-end infrastructure and tools

  • React-router is a router that matches the animation of native routes

ReactNative advanced

  • “ReactNative Principle” startup process
  • “ReactNative principle” JS layer rendering diff algorithm
  • “ReactNative Principle” Native layer rendering process
  • “ReactNative Basics” talks about ReactNative unit testing


Welcome to follow my public number “flying dragon at the bottom of the valley” ~