An overview of the

  • In my graduation design, I plan to use Vue. js+egg. Js to realize the separation of the front and back end to develop an instant messaging application that is similar to wechat. However, my tutor suggested me to implement it with a meteor framework when I was selecting the topic. The share of Meteor framework in China is too low, and even the learning website Bilibili has very few related videos. There is no alternative but to look at the official documents and clone other people’s projects on GitHub to understand the code structure. Almost three months have passed, and the code part of the graduation design has been completed. The responsive data of the Meteor framework is really comfortable, and there is no need for webscoket long connections in terms of live chat at all, but the code coupling is too high for small to medium sized projects.
  • Function points:
    • Log in Register out
    • Individual chat/group chat
    • Circle of friends
    • Add friends/delete friends/block
    • Message type: text/picture/emoticon/red envelope
    • Payment functionality (style implementation, not related to actual payment)
    • The other small points are not a list
  • Source address: Vue-wechat


I don’t know how Markdown is set up. When I have time to study it again (•̀⌄•́), the image is only part of the function. Interested partners can look at the code.

The design table

Js recommends mongo as database storage, and Mongo database is a non-relational database, so I try to reduce the number of data tables in the design to save the frequency of query of joint tables. Data tables include user table, message table, home page message box table, group table, friends table, circle of friends table and friend application form.


Code section did not show, after all, there are too many, has 35 pages alone, if you are interested in friends hope can order a praise, found b standing still no instant messaging implementation WeChat video of a class, if more demand for this kind of video (praise can have 50) (◔ ◡ ◔), I want to record the relevant video, from design to implementation function, Also calculate deepen oneself study!!