When I was doing my graduation project, I needed a function to send emails to users at the time of registration.
The SMTP service needs to be configured
I take QQ mailbox as an example:
在 Settings -> AccountfindPOP3 / IMAP/SMTP/Exchange/CardDAV/CalDAV service
Make sure you remember your license code. You’ll need it later.
The node to introduce nodemailer
First, you need to download the plugin
$ npm install nodemailer --save
Copy the code
Configuration nodemailer
// Reference the send mail plug-in
const nodeMailer = require('nodemailer')
// Import the certificate file (get my authorization code and qq mailbox)
const credential = require('.. /config/credentials')
// Create a transport mode
const transporter = nodeMailer.createTransport({
service: 'qq'.auth: {
user: credential.qq.user,
pass: credential.qq.pass // This requires your authorization code!!}})// Register to send emails to users
exports.emailSignUp = function (email, res) {
// Send the content of the message
let options = {
from: '[email protected]'.// Here is your QQ email number to enable SMTP service
to: email, // This is the mailbox number entered in the front-end registration page
subject: 'Thank you for registering at XXXX'.html: ' XXXX welcome to join us! Click '
// Send an email
transporter.sendMail(options, function (err, msg) {
if (err) {
// console.log(err)
} else {
res.send('Email sent successfully! ')
// console.log(' mailbox sent successfully ')}})}Copy the code
For example, if I visit /email, I get it
// Note that you need to download the Body-Parser plug-in to get the body content using POST'/mail'.(req,res) = >{
let mail = req.body.mail
// console.log(mail)
// res.send(mail)
Copy the code
Front-end code request: (Uni-app framework used)
url: "".data: {
method: 'POST'.success: (data) = > {
Copy the code