
Introduction to the

Accidentally saw the GitHub big guy to his girlfriend wrote a daily regular wechat message program, thought that I often do not see the message of my girlfriend because of various things, resulting in their own kneel washboard, so I want to learn how to achieve a wechat automatic reply function, incidentally learn to learn. The function of this program is relatively simple. Run the program, input the wechat remarks name of the object to be automatically replied and the content to be automatically replied, and then log in wechat to realize the automatic reply to the message of the specified object. Itchat is mainly used in the program, which is an interface wechat library based on wechat web page version, which can realize various operations on wechat.

Realize the function

Query date; Query the weather; Robot chat.

Configure the environment and dependencies


Python 3.5 and aboveCopy the code

Dependent libraries:

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Weather Query API:

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Turing Robot http://www.turingapi.comCopy the code

Programming instructions

Get weather information

Here mainly refer to the great god, the method of https://github.com/sfyc23/EverydayWechat with a list of entities corresponding code, cities in China, according to the city code query corresponding to the weather conditions in the interface.

def isJson(resp):
        return True
        return False

# Get weather information
def get_weather_info(city_code):
    weather_url = f'http://t.weather.sojson.com/api/weather/city/{city_code}'
    resp = requests.get(url=weather_url)
    if resp.status_code == 200 and isJson(resp) and resp.json().get('status') = =200:
        weatherJson = resp.json()
        # Today's weather
        today_weather = weatherJson.get('data').get('forecast') [1]
        # temperature
        high = today_weather.get('high')
        high_c = high[high.find(' ') + 1:]
        low = today_weather.get('low')
        low_c = low[low.find(' ') + 1:]
        temperature = F "temperature:{low_c}/{high_c}"
        # Air index
        aqi = today_weather.get('aqi')
        aqi = F "Air quality:{aqi}"
        # the weather
        tianqi = today_weather.get('type')
        tianqi = F "weather:{tianqi}"

        today_msg = f'{tianqi}\n{temperature}\n{aqi}\n'
        return today_msg
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Turing robot interface

This is the Turing robot here at http://www.turingapi.com. All you need to do is register and create a robot on the website, get a “userId” unique to each user and a “apiKey” unique to each robot. According to the request parameters required by the robot, To its interface http://openapi.tuling123.com/openapi/api/v2 request data.


# Turing Robot Interface
def robot(info):
    #info = msg['Content'].encode('utf8')
    Turing API
    api_url = 'http://openapi.tuling123.com/openapi/api/v2'
    The interface requests data
    data = {
        "reqType": 0."perception": {
            "inputText": {
                "text": str(info)
        "userInfo": {
            "apiKey": "XXX... XXX".# apiKey unique to each robot
            "userId": "XXXXXX"      A unique userId for each user
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'.'Host': 'openapi.tuling123.com'.'User-Agent': 'the Mozilla / 5.0 (Wi ` ndows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3486.0 '
                      'Safari / 537.36'
    # request interface
    result = requests.post(api_url, headers=headers, json=data).json()
    Extract the text and send it to the sender
    return result['results'] [0] ['values'] ['text']
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The above program type info to return the robot’s response through the interface.

Itchat wechat interface

Itchat.readthedocs. IO itchatGitHub: github.com/littlecoder… It uses a decorator to monitor wechat messages:

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Parentheses indicate the message type that ItChat listens to, and TEXT indicates the message type that ItChat listens to. In addition, ItChat supports various message types, such as: Share the MAP location of CARD business CARD information SHARING links to share PICTURE expression or photos RECORDING voice ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT A friend request is a special message sent by the SYSTEM. For example, the system pushes a message or a group member changes, etc. NOTE notification text, such as a message is withdrawn, etc.

itchat.send(text, toUserName=userName)
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Replies a message to the specified object. UserName is not a wechat name, it is a string of alphanumeric code, so we can get the userName of the object that sent us the message from the message we just listened to obtain, that is:

userName = msg['User']['UserName']
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Then we can use:

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To judge whether it is a girlfriend or the object we want to reply to by comparing the name of the object’s wechat remarks. I can only have one object here, of course, some people may have more than one girlfriend, let me offer my knees…

Sample code for replying:

def reply_msg(msg):
    global t, name, rtext
    userName = msg['User'] ['UserName']
    if t == 2:
        if msg['User'] ['RemarkName'] == name:
            if msg['Content'] = ="Quit":
                itchat.send("The robot has been withdrawn.", toUserName=userName)
                t = 0
                text = msg['Content']
                rep = robot(text)
                itchat.send(rep+"\n reply "quit", quit the bot chat", toUserName=userName)
    elif t == 1:
        if msg['User'] ['RemarkName'] == name:
            ctn = msg['Content']
            if ctn in city_dict.city_dict:
                city_code = city_dict.city_dict[ctn]
                wheather = get_weather_info(city_code)
                itchat.send(wheather, toUserName=userName)
                itchat.send("Unable to obtain the city information you entered", toUserName=userName)
        t = 0
        if msg['User'] ['RemarkName'] == name:
            if msg['Content'] = ='hello':
                itchat.send('hello', toUserName=userName)
            elif msg['Content'] = ='the weather':
                itchat.send('Please enter the name of the city you are looking for', toUserName=userName)
                t = 1
            elif msg['Content'] = ='date':
                itchat.send(nowdate, toUserName=userName)
            elif msg['Content'] = ='chat':
                itchat.send('Hello, I'm artificially retarded.', toUserName=userName)
                t = 2
                itchat.send(rtext + ', automatic message \n reply 'date', get date \ N reply 'weather', get weather \n reply 'chat', start chatting with robot ', toUserName=userName)
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This allows us to automatically reply to a given object and simply get the date, weather, and bot chat. I am also new to itChat, so I don’t have any details. For more details, please refer to the official documents and GitHub link above.

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Very simple small project, almost no technical content, can be used to practice, but also enrich other interesting things on this, but also learn a little bit of progress every day, improve their posture level.


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