
Project Address: Front page: github.com/lz-allen/nu… Back-end management interface: github.com/lz-allen/bl… If you feel good, you can click “Star” in the upper right corner to support, thank you! ^_^

This project adopts the implementation of front and back end separation, background interface based on RESTful specification design, only provide data, part of the front end is responsible for routing jump, permission restrictions, rendering data, etc., and part of the background server SSR, two months ago wrote a Vue SPA single page, Github also has source code, After working with static site and server rendering in the company, I decided to refactor the code, mainly for SEO optimization

Technology stack

Nuxt+ Vue.js+Node+MongoDb+Koa2

Implemented functions

  • Admin management page add delete check change blog
  • Blog Classification ETS
  • Blog content Markdown
  • Blog works
  • Bloggers chain
  • Blog archive
  • Return to the top
  • Markdown code highlights
  • Administrator Login
  • User comments
  • The article search
  • responsive
  • The deployment of online

Results the preview

The project structure

| – API… The front-end interface API | – assets… Front end of resources (images, CSS) | – components… The front-end common components | – layouts… The layout of the front-end public components | – pages… The front page | – plugins… Elemeent – UI | – server… The back-end (routing, middleware, model, and configuration) | – static… Static files (the project in operation as a static site) | – utils… Tools | – nuxt. Config. Js… Nuxt configuration file
