Some time ago, I bought a coo-goo machine. I thought I could send pictures or text to my children, or print something interesting when I was in a different place. When he found out later that this was not the case, he changed his mind as soon as he got hold of it. The fact that he thought “whips paper” was funny tells us something: a father may not understand a child’s mind.

Well, that’s certainly not what I’m talking about today.


Before, I shared an article titled “I also Want to Build a Personal Reading Tracking System”, which stated that in the information age, with the rampant spread of information on the Internet, some apps and tools can be used to effectively collect and summarize fragmented information and integrate it into the database we need.

This is mainly about collecting information from the Internet, but in reality, we can’t avoid dealing with “people”. For example, I have recently heard a lot of inculcation from my boss, and there are many “golden sayings” worth saving for reading before bed; Or print it out, stick it on your desk, and learn from time to time.

Therefore, as a tech nerd, what I do is how to collect and print instant IDEA and fragmented content with “mobile phone + goo machine”

Operation process

1. Have a Mac or iPHone at hand during meetings or when communicating with others; As long as the written content of the value is recorded; 2. You can save it directly by using Evernote. It will associate IFTTT in real time and send the content directly to the Goo machine for printing. 3. Use Workflow to save the information to Evernote and print. 3.1 Copy the text to be saved and printed and put it on the Clipboard. Note: Mac has a magic tool. Once the text is copied, the corresponding iPhone can also synchronize the content. 3.2 Send the content to Evernote using Workflow. The first process is automatically triggered and printed. Alternatively, you can print the content delivered with IFTTT directly.

The specific practices

As long as you have these artifacts in your hand, I believe you can work out the entire automated process.

The IFTTT connector is used to associate Evernote with the printer.

First, create an Applet

Select “Evernote” service in “this”.

And I’m going to say New Note in a notebook

Select the notebook you care about

In that, select the service provided by the goo machine

At the end, fill in the “device number” of the goo machine and the content and format you want to print

Ok, so that’s a pretty quick setup for evernote to goo printing.

Just save what you need to print onto Evernote and try it out.

For example, BEFORE I arrive at the company every day, I will sort out the work to be done that day, print it out at the company and paste it on the workstation.

Usage scenario: Daily work four image method

On this basis, we can continue to optimize our operational processes. It’s time for Workflow.

Workflow’s value lies in its ability to simplify complex tasks by simply swiping down your phone and clicking on Workflow.

Such as: When I’m listening to a superior or a respected person, or WHEN I’m reading an article and I find a paragraph that really touches me, I write it down and copy it to a Clipboard, and then you can use Workflow to save the content of the Clipboard to Evernote, or you can post it to an IFTTT server, Then create an Applet on IFTTT, receive the content to be printed, and associate it with the Memobird service.

Specific Workflow:

I’ve also added an Applet that I’m going to send to Twitter to post philosophical texts; Then I collected them into “themes” using jike APP. However, I found that IFTTT’s weibo service was not working.

Create an Applet on IFTTT. Repeat the previous steps.


We can continue to improve and use these features. For example, we can tidy up the fragmented content and print it later instead of printing it every time. Or put together a “book” of all the things you print each night. This is how I used Workflow + Evernote to collect articles

With effective tools and resources, we can constantly improve and build our own knowledge consolidation system.

As for the use of the coo-goo machine, I believe that friends who have experience in long-distance relationships will understand.

What are the interesting ways to play the MEMOBIRD goo machine?…

If you think the goo goo machine is good, you can try it

“To be continued”

Coding01 looks forward to your continued attention

And thank you for seeing this