Modulebuild failed: TypeError: loaderContext.getResolve is not a function

Description The version of less-Loader is too high

Uninstall an earlier version of less-Loader
NPM uninstall less-loader Uninstalls the NPM cache clear of a later version-fClear the cacheCopy the code
Install a specified version of less-loader
NPM I [email protected]Copy the code

Module build failed: Error: Cannot find Module ‘less’

Cause Less in vUE is not installed successfully.

Solution Uninstall the original LESS and install less again
npm install -g less
Copy the code

3, problem description: *!! vue-style-loader! css-loader? {“sourceMap”:true}! . /.. /node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler/index?

The cause is caused by a lack of related dependencies

Missing dependencies associated with solution installation
The conventional
 npm install stylus-loader css-loader style-loader --save-dev 
Copy the code
npm install less less-loader --save-dev 
Copy the code
NPM install sass sass-loader --save-dev$npm intall sass-loader --save ; $npmInstall node - sass -- save)Copy the code

This problem usually occurs only during initial configuration. If the project is already configured in package.json, you can install it directly.