Taro-1.3 was used in the old project. Taro has recently been upgraded to taro-3.0. Please note the problems encountered
Ec-canvas does not work properly
A wrong
TypeError: this.Chart.init is not a function at LineChart.refresh (._src_pages_user_assets_components_chart_LineChart2.js:62) at UserTest.componentDidMount (._src_pages_user_user-test_user-test.jsx:45) at Lf (._node_modules_react-reconciler_cjs_react-reconciler.production.min.js:133) at hh (._node_modules_react-reconciler_cjs_react-reconciler.production.min.js:172) at define.push.. /node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.production.min.js.exports.unstable_runWithPriority (._node_modules_scheduler_cjs_scheduler.production.min.js:18) at Pc (._node_modules_react-reconciler_cjs_react-reconciler.production.min.js:36) at Zg (._node_modules_react-reconciler_cjs_react-reconciler.production.min.js:169) at Og (._node_modules_react-reconciler_cjs_react-reconciler.production.min.js:160) at ._node_modules_react-reconciler_cjs_react-reconciler.production.min.js:37 at define.push.. /node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.production.min.js.exports.unstable_runWithPriority (. _node_modules_scheduler_cjs_scheduler. Production. Min. Js: 18) (env: Windows, mp, 1.05.2109101; Lib: 2.19.5)Copy the code
Error cause: After the upgrade, TarO3 cannot directly obtain the original wechat applets through ref. Instead, it actually obtains TaroElement. GetCurrentInstance ().page.selectComponent(‘#mychart-area’)
import Taro, { getCurrentInstance } from "@tarojs/taro"
getCurrentInstance().page.selectComponent('#mychart-area').init((canvas, width, height) = > {
console.log('canvas', canvas)
const chart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
width: width,
height: height
setChartData(chart, data);
return chart;
Copy the code
Native applets Node
After fixing the above problem, a new error was reported:
Error 2
TypeError: t.addEventListener is not a function at te (._src_pages_user_assets_components_ec-canvas_echarts.js:37) at Oi (._src_pages_user_assets_components_ec-canvas_echarts.js:37) at ._src_pages_user_assets_components_ec-canvas_echarts.js:37 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at P (._src_pages_user_assets_components_ec-canvas_echarts.js:37) at ki (._src_pages_user_assets_components_ec-canvas_echarts.js:37) at new e (._src_pages_user_assets_components_ec-canvas_echarts.js:37) at new t (._src_pages_user_assets_components_ec-canvas_echarts.js:44) at Hi (._src_pages_user_assets_components_ec-canvas_echarts.js:44) at new e (. _src_pages_user_assets_components_ec - canvas_echarts. Js: 44) (env: Windows, mp, 1.05.2109101; Lib: 2.19.6)Copy the code
After some research, it is found that t in t. adddeventListener is the canvas parameter in our echarts.init method, and canvas is an instance of WxCanvas in ec-canvas/ wx-Canvas. An attempt was made to add the addEventListener method to the class. Error successfully fixed 😅.
const chart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
width: width,
height: height
Copy the code
// wx-canvas.js
export default class WxCanvas {
constructor(ctx, canvasId, isNew, canvasNode) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.canvasId = canvasId;
this.chart = null;
this.isNew = isNew
if (isNew) {
this.canvasNode = canvasNode;
else {
// this._initCanvas(zrender, ctx);
// Add an empty function to fix the error when calling echarts.init
addEventListener () {}
getContext(contextType) {
if (contextType === '2d') {
return this.ctx; }}}Copy the code
The complete code
// pages/index/index.js
import _ from 'lodash'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { View } from '@tarojs/components'
import './user-test.less'
import LineChart from '.. /assets/components/chart/LineChart'
function createChartData () {
let seriesDataLine = []
let progressLine = []
if (progressLine && progressLine.length) {
seriesDataLine = _.map(progressLine, item= > {
return {
value: item,
label: {
position: item >= 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom'}}})}else {
seriesDataLine = []}const chartData = {
dimensions: {
// data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
measures: [{
data: seriesDataLine
return chartData
export default class UserTest extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.lineChart = React.createRef()
this.state = {
componentWillMount () {}
componentDidMount () {
// Delay the call to ensure that the EC-canvas node already exists
setTimeout(() = > {
}, 100)
componentWillUnmount () { }
componentDidShow () { }
componentDidHide () { }
render () {
return (
<View className='page-user-test'>
<View className='line-chart'>
<LineChart ref={this.lineChart} />
</View>)}}Copy the code
// LineChart.js
import { Component } from "react"
import { getCurrentInstance } from "@tarojs/taro"
import * as echarts from ".. /ec-canvas/echarts"
function setChartData(chart, data) {
let option = {
color: ['#FF4040'].xAxis: [{type: 'category'.data: [].axisTick: {
alignWithLabel: true}}].grid: {
left: '5%'.right: '5%'.top: '20'.bottom: '5'.containLabel: true
yAxis: [{type : 'value'}].series: []};if (data && data.dimensions && data.measures) {
option.xAxis[0].data = data.dimensions.data
option.series = data.measures.map(item= > {
return {
type:'line'.smooth: true
export default class LineChart extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
ec: {
lazyLoad: true
componentDidMount () {}
refresh(data) {
getCurrentInstance().page.selectComponent('#mychart-area').init((canvas, width, height) = > {
console.log('canvas', canvas)
const chart = echarts.init(canvas, null, {
width: width,
height: height
setChartData(chart, data);
return chart;
render() {
return (
/>); }}Copy the code
A link to the
- Wechat applets component Echarts-for-Weixin
- Taro uses native modules
- Taro3 component echarts taro3 — the react