Article Contents:

0 x01: overture

Python learning materials and development tools introduction


0 x02: field

Python installation based on Conda

Install VSCode to use

The installation

This section describes how to use the plug-in management button

How does VSCode manage project files

How does VSCode switch to Python

How does VSCode execute Python files


0 x03: tail

0 x01: overture


Some time ago, I wrote two blog posts about Python in action, which received good reader feedback and received more than 800 points of approval. The list of blog posts is as follows:

  • Statistical analysis of CSDN and Blogpark blog reading data
  • Face recognition application principle and hand to hand teaching to achieve your own face recognition project

The above is mainly about how to achieve specific functions step by step programming. At the same time, some friends have asked me what development tools I use and how to develop Python.

In order to further reduce the barrier of learning for novice users, I have written this introduction to the development tools blog, showing how to develop Python using VSCode through a handy hand by hand demonstration.


Python learning materials and development tools introduction


Python is a language that is easy to use and suitable for amateurs. Here are some of the best tutorials:

1. The novice tutorial Python3 tutorial: This tutorial is more basic, suitable for beginners to use

2. Teacher Liao Xuefeng Python3 tutorial: This tutorial has some advanced operations for those who want to improve


PyCharm and VSCode are common examples of Python development software. PyCharm is a professional version and a community version. The professional version has more charging functions. The community edition is open source and free, and has a lot of functionality, but it’s good enough for deep learning development.


In fact, the author learned Python with PyCharm at the very beginning, which impressed me that the whole thing was very complicated and complicated. At that time, a new project would take a long time to load, but later VSCode appeared, which is more lightweight and easy to use, and more friendly to ordinary users. So if you don’t use PyCharm often, use VSCode.



0 x02: field


The specific operation process is demonstrated with Windows 10 system. For MacOs and Ubuntu, the installation is only slightly different, and the specific use method is the same. Readers can download the corresponding system version to install and download.


Python installation based on Conda


Python installation is based on Conda, which is very convenient for managing the environment in which Python is installed.

MiniConda is used here. Miniconda is a lightweight alternative to Anaconda that only includes Python and Conda by default, but you can install the required packages through PIP and conda.

Miniconda installation package can be downloaded to * *.

After entering the link, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Windows-x86_64.exe to download and install.

Miniconda3-py39_4.9.2- windows-x86_64. exe miniconda3-py39_4.9.2 -Windows-x86_64.exe


Note that “Add Miniconda to my PATH Environment variable” should be checked, which is to set environment variables. Then you can directly use the “conda” command on the “CMD” interface.


To test the “conda” command, open the “CMD” and type “conda”.


If the preceding information is displayed, the installation is complete.

Change the “conda” source to tsinghua source for download acceleration, copy and paste the following command in “CMD”, and press Enter:

conda config --add channels conda config --add channels conda config --add channels conda config --append channels conda config --append channels conda config --set show_channel_urls yes
Copy the code

At the same time, we also change “PIP” to Tsinghua source to speed up, copy and paste the following command in “CMD”, and press Enter:

pip config set global.index-url
Copy the code

The “conda” and “PIP” mentioned above are tools for managing Python packages.

Here are some CMD conda directives (env_name stands for environment name) :

  • To view all conda environments: conda env list
  • To create a conda environment (env_name is the name of the created environment and can be customized) : conda create -n env_name
  • To activate the conda environment, run the conda activate env_name command
  • Exit the current conda environment (returning to the Base environment) : conda deactivate
  • Conda install numpy # conda uninstall numpy
  • To view the list of installed Python packages, run conda list -n env_name


Here are some PIP directives (using numpy as an example) :

  • PIP install numpy
  • PIP uninstall Numpy
  • PIP install –upgrade numpy
  • List all packages: PIP list

Note that since both Conda and PIP are installed via a network download, your computer should remain connected. If an HTTP 000 error occurs, it indicates a network connection error. There are two possible reasons:

  1. The computer is not connected to the network
  2. The network connection is unstable

You can first check whether the local network is connected. If the connection is successful, it indicates that the connection is unstable.



Create a new Python environment, name it (-n) “TF23”, and specify Python version 3.7 (Python ==3.7) :

Conda create-n tf23 python=3.7Copy the code

Enter “Y” and press Enter to continue:

Enter: conda activate TF23 to enter the environment. After entering the environment, you can see that “TF23” is displayed in front of it, indicating that the Python environment is activated.


Install VSCode to use


The installation

VSCode for Windows 10


After downloading, double-click to install. The installation interface is shown below. Step by step, you can set the default Settings.



After installation, open the following interface:

In the left column of the figure above, from top to bottom: “File Management button”, “Search button”, “code management button”, “run and debug button” and “plug-in management button”. Developing Python requires you to be able to use the “file Management button” and “plug-in management button” functions.


Introduction to plug-in management button:


VSCode is positioned as a code editor that is lighter and more flexible than an integrated development environment (IDE), requiring users to install plug-ins to develop and use them. You’ll need to install a Python support plug-in, and you’ll be happy to develop Python using VSCode.


Installing the Python plug-in can be divided into three steps, as shown below:

You can also install Chinese support in a similar manner by typing “Chinese” and searching for installation. After the installation is complete, the Chinese menu will be reset. Now that VSCode is set up, Python can be developed.


First, we need to be clear about three questions:


  1. How does VSCode manage project files
  2. How does VSCode switch to Python
  3. How does VSCode execute Python files


How does VSCode manage project files


VSCode manages project files through folders. You can create a new folder called “demo_code”. Then open the folder using VSCode’s “open folder” function:

Song said: of course, this file name can be arbitrary, the principle is not to use Chinese, because it may lead to. Similar paths should also not be Chinese.

In the pop-up window, find that folder, select open.

Once opened, we can see the directory in VSCode’s explorer, but there are no files yet. We can create new resources by clicking the “new file” and “new folder” buttons in explorer. Create a new “” file as shown in the following figure.

Click “” to edit the code on the right. Enter the first line of code:

print(" Hello Python ")Copy the code

Press “Ctrl” + “S” to save the code.


How does VSCode switch to Python


Python 3.8.1 64-bit(conda) : Python 3.8.1 64-bit(Conda) : Python 3.8.1 64-bit(Conda) And it will only appear if you install the Python plug-in (which is installed above).

At this point, you can click on the prompt to select and switch Python environments.


This completes the Python environment switch (to “TF23”) :


How does VSCode execute Python files


VSCode has covered how to manage project files and switch Python environments. Here is how to execute Python files.

As mentioned earlier, VSCode is an editor that does not have a Python integrated development environment (IDE). It actually runs Python installed by the calling system (here is Python installed by conda). Python is executed by using file in “CMD”.


First we open the “CMD” terminal in VSCode, as shown below:

Enter “conda activate TF23” in the terminal (if “TF23” is not activated, add “conda activate TF23” in front of it) :

Copy the code

In this case, the output is “Hello Python”, which indicates that the operation is successful. Then run some code on the terminal and enter:

Copy the code

To cancel or terminate a run use “Ctrl” + “C”.


Here’s a summary of the steps VSCode takes to develop Python:

  1. Open a folder with VSCode
  2. Create the X. py file
  3. Edit code save
  4. Select the Python environment and open and activate it in the VSCode terminal
  5. Run the file: python


0 x03: tail

This article is an introduction to the development tools blog, showing you how to develop Python using VSCode through a handy hands-on tutorial. If you want to learn more about practical Python development techniques, check out the following articles:

  • Statistical analysis of CSDN and Blogpark blog reading data
  • Face recognition application principle and hand to hand teaching to achieve your own face recognition project


This blog for your useful words welcome to collect and forward, but also trouble lovely and love to learn you can appreciate a praise, food song more bo is not easy, thank you here.

If you want to learn more development skills and AI algorithms, please search our official account “Concise AI”, and learn with your friends who love learning and discussing.