The domestic cloud disk interface is generally not open, so the playability is not high. For example, Rclone is basically foreign cloud disk, except COS of Tencent and OSS of Ali, because both of them support S3 object storage.

Lao Su bought a member of tianyi cloud disk at the beginning of the year, has been looking for tianyi cloud disk in the way of using in group Hui, currently looking for two open source projects, one of which is the tianyi cloud disk CLI Python, referred to as Cloud189-CLI.

The code address of the project:…

Another project is Cloudpan189-Go. From the introduction and functions, except for the different development languages, the function positioning is very similar. Those interested can find the code address in the Reference documentation.

Generate the mirror

Cloud189 – CLI this project itself does not provide a docker image, so Lao Su made a simple, you can directly under the source code of their own, you can also download Lao Su has compiled.

You can skip to the next chapter if you don’t want to write your own


FROM python:3.8-slim
MAINTAINER laosu<[email protected]>

WORKDIR /cloud189
COPY . /cloud189

# Environment
ENV TERM=xterm
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt 

# Application
ENV NAME cloud189-cli

CMD ["python3"."/cloud189/"]
Copy the code

Place the Dockerfile file in the code root directory and execute

# build mirror
docker build -t wbsu2003/cloud189-cli:v1 .
Copy the code

Run the container

Unlike the previous containers we ran, this is an interactive container that requires us to enter an account and password, along with a series of commands, on the command line, so this installation is executed on the command line

Run the container
docker run -i -t -p 4000:80 --name=cloud189 -v /volume1/docker/cloud189:/cloud189/downloads wbsu2003/cloud189-cli:v1
Copy the code

Among them

-I: allows interaction with standard inputs in the container. -t: starts a terminal in a new container. –name=cloud189: The container name is cloud189.

There is no need to download the image first. If you cannot find it locally, the image will be automatically downloaded from DockerHub

After the installation, enter the user name and password as prompted

After passing the verification, it will automatically detect the update. Sometimes there will be errors, but as long as all files > appear, it means that it is ready to use

The authorities have a summary form of orders

The command describe
help View the Help documentation
login User name + Password Login or add a user
clogin Cookie Login/Add user
refresh Refresh the current directory
setpath Change the download path (default./downloads)
update Detect software updates
who/quota View account information and space size
clear Clear the screen
cdrec Go to the recycle bin
[cdrec] ls Displays the recycle bin directory
[cdrec] rec + The file name Restore files
[cdrec] clean Empty the recycle bin
[cdrec] cd .. Exit the recycle bin
su + [-l/ User name] List users/switch users
ls + [-l] [folder] Lists files and directories
cd + Folder name Switching working Directory
upload + File (folder) path Uploading files (Folder)
down + File name/share link Download file/extract share link download link
mkdir + Folder name Creating a folder
rm + Files/folders Deleting a file (folder)
share + Files/folders File Sharing (Folder)
shared + [2] File (folder) information has been shared
jobs + [-f] [Task ID] View background upload and download tasks
rename + File (Folder) Name [New name] rename
mv + The file name Move files
sign + [-a/--all] Sign in to draw
bye/exit exit

Try the ll

Ll = ls -l Indicates a detailed list

It’s a lot easier to sign in than it is on your phone

Log in with a different account

Switch account

More commands his experience slowly, details please see the official Wiki (

Into the container

If you exit the container, or restart the machine, how do you enter the container again?

# Enter container
docker exec --user root -it cloud189 /bin/bash
Copy the code

Another way to avoid having to open an SSH client every time is to use the “terminal” we used to use.

Then execute./

The same is true on the “terminal”

Note that the following message 👇 may appear on the “terminal”

Fail to get terminal size, we got os.terminal_size(columns=0, lines=0), continue anyway? (y/N)
Copy the code

Method 1: Just type y to continue

Method two: Stop the container and add two values to the container’s environment variables

variable value

Start container to “terminal”

Out of the container

When you are done, you can exit the container operation by running the following command 👇

# Exit container
exitOr CTRL + DCopy the code

Do not exit if you are running on a “terminal”, as exiting will cause the container to stop.


It doesn’t have a graphical interface, but it doesn’t have many commands. Unfortunately, it can not mount like Rclone, and can only enter the container operation, slightly tedious, looking forward to the author’s follow-up update.

Reference documentation

Aruelius/ Cloud189: CLI Python address:…

Tickstep/Cloudpan189-go: Tianyi Cloud disk command line client (CLI), implemented based on go language Address:…

Aria2+ Tianyi network disk – use Aria2 download and then automatically upload tianyi network disk offline download function – good duck address: