Install the React Router
- Website:…
- Install the router:
yarn add react-router-dom
- Install TS dependencies:
yarn add --dev @types/react-router-dom
The React Router is used in the React project
- Introduce Router, Route, Switch, Link, Redirect in app.tsx
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';
Copy the code
- The use of the Router
export default function App() {
return (
<Route exact path="/tags">
<Route exact path="/money">
<Redirect exact from="/" to="/money"/>
<Route path="*">
<Link to="/tags">The label</Link>
<Link to="/money">Charge to an account</Link>
Copy the code
Code description:
Router: You need to write routing code in the Router tag
Link: Similar to the A tag, the value of the to attribute is the address of the route to jump to
Switch: Renders the first Route or Redirect that matches the address
Route: Its path attribute corresponds to Link’s to attribute, and the content it wraps is the component corresponding to this path
Exact: Indicates an exact match
Redirect: Similar to Route, from indicates the original address, to indicates the new address, which is used as the default page
If you need to style the links you click, replace Link with NavLink and use the activeClassName attribute to style the active and inactive links differently
UseParams: Use the useParams hook to obtain the key/value object of the URL parameter of the current route.
2. UseHistory: You can use useHistory to roll back pages.useHistory().goBack()