Use Taro3 + Vue3 to develop wechat applets
Wechat applet is an application with wechat as the operating environment. In essence, it is the application of Hybrid technology. Hybrid App is a Hybrid mode mobile application, so it is similar to H5, but it has many original capabilities compared with H5, such as calling location information and camera.
Small program development and H5 is very similar, with JavaScript, HTML, CSS language.
Therefore, small program development can be said to be a front-end engineer must master the skills.
Native small program development has a certain learning cost, now there are many third-party multi-terminal framework for developing small programs on the market, if not the pursuit of ultimate performance and stability, or do not use native small program development, development efficiency is too low.
Taro and UNI-App are the most widely used among third-party multi-terminal frameworks. Generally speaking, when selecting technologies, teams should use Taro when using React, while teams should use Uni-App when using Vue. There is no good or bad between them.
However, many developers may not know that TARo3.0 and above supports the use of VUE. This article will introduce how to use Taro3 + Vue3 to develop wechat applets.
After I completed the construction of this project according to the information on the Internet, I used this project to develop a small program, the development experience is really beyond all my previous projects, very smooth (maybe it is my first time to write the script setup of VUe3, it is really comfortable to use).
You can directly access the github address of the project.
The target function
- Integrate vue3, using
script setup
Grammar development - integration
- Code review and format optimization
- Global state Management
- Small program subcontracting configuration
- Style packaging, compatible bangs screen and other style problems
- HTTP method encapsulation
Main Technology Stack
- Taro3
- Vue3
- TypeScript
- NutUi
- Pinia
When VUe3 was first released, my enthusiasm for learning vue3 was put off by the lack of proper UI framework support. It’s only now that vue3 is supported by some of the best frameworks such as Quasar, Element-Plus, and Ant-Design-Vue, and many vuE3 projects are being used in production environments.
For example, the project team next door used VUe3 for their refactoring project, which is when I realized I was a little late in learning vue3 (tips: The front end is really sloppy ).
NutUI is a JINGdong style mobile component library, which supports the use of Vue language to write applications on H5, small program platform, to help developers improve development efficiency and development experience.
I know NutUI from Taro documents, Taro officially recommended to use NutUI development, they also seem to come from the same development team of JINGdong, I hold the mentality of trying to use, simple configuration, use experience is good.
Pinia is a state management library for Vue. Similar to Vuex, Pinia is another state management solution for Vue, supporting Vue2 and Vue3.
My first contact with front-end state management tool was dVA, a background management system of the company when I was just practicing. It was a torment and almost persuaded me to quit. I gradually got familiar with it later, but I still felt it was troublesome to write redux or vuex.
Pinia was really comfortable to use, intuitive, and easy to learn, somewhat similar to Recoil but without as many concepts and apis as Recoil, and very streamlined and easy to get started with. Pinia quick start
Vscode requires plug-in installation
- Eslint
- Prettier
- Volar
Like vetur, volar is a vscode plug-in for vue, but unlike vetur, volar offers much more power.
Volar introduction
Build the project structure
Initialize the project
Before initializing the project, install taro. Please refer to the Taro documentation to complete the taro installation
Create a template project using the command:
taro init myApp
Copy the code
The CLI is installed to perform operations such as builds, and after the project is started, a dist directory is generated
yarn add @tarojs/cli
yarn dev:weapp
Copy the code
Opening the wechat development tools project directory needs to point to the built dist file
Hello World appears and the project runs successfully!
Setup code specification
- The code specification ESlint
- Code formatting Prettier
- Check husky before submitting
Eslint + Prettier personally, ESLint + Prettier is enough for most front-end code specification problems and is easy to configure and can still be configured if needed.
Install dependencies
yarn add @vue/eslint-config-prettier @vue/eslint-config-typescript eslint-plugin-prettier vue-tsc husky -D
Copy the code
Set code specifications and formatting rules
module.exports = {
root: true,
env: {
node: true,
'vue/setup-compiler-macros': true
extends: ['plugin:vue/vue3-essential', 'eslint:recommended', '@vue/prettier', '@vue/typescript'],
parserOptions: {
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser'
rules: {
'prettier/prettier': [
singleQuote: true,
semi: false,
trailingComma: 'none',
arrowParens: 'avoid',
printWidth: 100
'no-console': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off',
'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'warn' : 'off'
Copy the code
"tabWidth": 2,
"singleQuote": true,
"semi": false,
"trailingComma": "none",
"arrowParens": "avoid",
"endOfLine": "auto",
"printWidth": 100
Copy the code
Add Ts check and Eslint check commands to script in package.json
"scripts": {"tsc": "vue-tsc --noEmit --skipLibCheck"."lint": "eslint --ext .vue --ext .js --ext .ts src/"
Copy the code
Add husky trigger Git hook, code check before submission
npx husky install
Copy the code
Edit pre-commit to perform Eslint checking and Ts checking
#! /bin/sh . "$(dirname "$0")/_/" echo "---eslint start---" npm run lint echo "---eslint end---" echo "---ts lint start---" npm run tsc echo "---ts lint end---"Copy the code
At this point, the code specification and format specification for the project are configured, and multiplayer collaboration is not an issue.
The introduction of NutUI
yarn add @nutui/nutui-taro
Copy the code
As needed, install the plug-in babel-plugin-import
yarn add babel-plugin-import -D
Copy the code
Since nutui’s design is 375, I changed the frame size to 375
Project configuration file config/index.js:
designWidth: 375
Copy the code
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { Button } from '@nutui/nutui-taro';
const app = createApp();
Copy the code
In index.vue, the nut-button component is written directly into the template
<template> <view class="index"> <text>{{MSG}}</text> <nut-button type="primary"> </nut-button> </view> </template>Copy the code
Small program subcontracting configuration
If the main package of the small program exceeds 2M, it will not be able to preview the real machine. In order to prepare in advance, subcontracting will be carried out at the beginning. For example, the following small program configuration, divided into four packages.
pages: ['pages/create/index', 'pages/find/index', 'pages/my/index'],
subpackages: [
root: 'pages/featureA',
pages: ['index/index']
root: 'pagesSub/search',
pages: ['index']
root: 'pagesSub/my',
pages: ['detail/index', 'about/index']
root: 'pagesSub/book',
pages: ['detail/index', 'person/list/index', 'person/detail/index']
Copy the code
You can view the size of the main package and subpackage in code dependency analysis in the Applets editor
Encapsulate the applet page lifecycle methods with script Setup syntax
import { getCurrentInstance } from '@tarojs/taro' import { onMounted } from 'vue' const Current = getCurrentInstance() export function useDidShow(callback) { onMounted(callback) Current? .page? .onShow && ( = callback) } export function usePullDownRefresh(callback) { Current? .page? .onPullDownRefresh && ( = callback) }Copy the code
import { useDidShow } from '@/hooks/life'
useDidShow(() => {
// console.log('onShow')
Copy the code
The installationPiniaState Management
yarn add pinia
yarn add taro-plugin-pinia
Copy the code
Project configuration file config/index.js:
plugins: ['taro-plugin-pinia']
Copy the code
This section uses managing user information and user login status as an example to implement a user login function
The file code to be processed is as follows:
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
interface UserInfoProp {
nickName: string
avatarUrl: string
const useAuth = defineStore({
id: 'authInfo',
state: () => ({
userInfo: {
nickName: '',
avatarUrl: ''
isLogin: false
actions: {
login() {
this.isLogin = true
logout() {
this.isLogin = false
setUserInfo(userInfo: UserInfoProp) {
this.userInfo = userInfo
export { useAuth }
Copy the code
import { createPinia } from 'pinia' import { useAuth } from './auth' export const store = createPinia() const storeObj = {auth: useAuth} export function useStore(key: string) {return storeObj[key]()}Copy the code
Personal center index.vue
<template> <main v-if="isLogin" class="my-container"> <user-info /> </main> <main v-else> <nut-button type="primary" </nut-button> </main> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> import Taro from '@tarojs/ Taro ' import { computed } from 'vue' import { useStore } from '@/stores' import UserInfo from './userInfo.vue' const auth = useStore('auth') const isLogin = computed(() => auth.isLogin) const handleLogin = () => { setTimeout(() => { // SetStorageSync ('token', 'XXXX ') auth.setUserInfo({nickName: '林', avatarUrl: "Https://"}) auth.login() }, 500) } </script> </script>Copy the code
The userInfo components
<article class="user-info">
<nut-avatar size="large" :icon="userInfo.avatarUrl"></nut-avatar>
<span class="ellipsis name">{{ userInfo.nickName }}</span>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import Taro from '@tarojs/taro'
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { useStore } from '@/stores'
const auth = useStore('auth')
const userInfo = computed(() => auth.userInfo)
Copy the code
In general, Pinia is very succinct to write, and I like the use of react hooks
Request method encapsulation
// Encapsulate the axios request, Return repackaged data format // uniform handling of errors import {HttpResponse} from '@/common/interface' import Taro from '@tarojs/ Taro 'import publicConfig from '@/config/index' import axios, { AxiosInstance, AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse, Canceler } from 'axios-miniprogram' import errorHandle from '.. /common/errorHandle' const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken class HttpRequest { private baseUrl: string private pending: Record<string, Canceler> constructor(baseUrl: String) {this.baseurl = baseUrl this.pending = {}} // Get the AXIOS configuration getInsideConfig() {const config = {baseUrl: this.baseUrl, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' }, timeout: 10000 } return config } removePending(key: string, IsRequest = false) {if (this.pending[key] &&isRequest) {this.pending[key](' cancel duplicate request ')} delete this.pending[key]} // Interceptors (instance: AxiosInstance) { instance.interceptors.request.use( config => { console.log('config :>> ', config) let isPublic = false => { isPublic = isPublic || path.test(config.url || '') }) const token = Taro.getStorageSync('token') if (! isPublic && token) { config.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + token } const key = config.url + '&' + config.method this.removePending(key, true) config.cancelToken = new CancelToken(c => { this.pending[key] = c }) return config }, Err = > {errorHandle (err) return Promise. Reject (err)})/request/response interceptor instance. The interceptors. Response. Use (res = > {const key = res.config.url + '&' + res.config.method this.removePending(key) if (res.status === 200) { return Promise.resolve( } else { return Promise.reject(res) } }, Err => {errorHandle(err) return promise.reject (err)})} // Create instance request(options: AxiosRequestConfig) { const instance = axios.create() const newOptions = Object.assign(this.getInsideConfig(), options) this.interceptors(instance) return instance(newOptions) } get(url: string, config?: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<AxiosResponse> | Promise<HttpResponse> { const options = Object.assign( { method: 'get', url: url }, config ) return this.request(options) } post(url: string, data?: unknown): Promise<AxiosResponse> | Promise<HttpResponse> { return this.request({ method: 'post', url: url, data: data }) } } export default HttpRequestCopy the code
import HttpRequest from './http'
import config from '@/config/index'
const baseUrl = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? :
const request = new HttpRequest(baseUrl)
export default request
Copy the code
Take the example of getting a list of books and book details
import request from '.. /request' export function getBookList() { return request.get('books/getBookList') } export function getBookDetail(id: number) { return'books/getBookDetail', { id }) }Copy the code
Request method encapsulation is still used in AXIos, but axios-miniProgram is used, and the writing method is basically the same as the Web side. Some modules referenced in http.js file are too many, which are not listed in this paper. You can directly visit the github address of this project to check.
Style packaging
IPhoneX bottom line fit
.safe-area-bottom {
padding-bottom: constant(safe-area-inset-bottom);
padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);
Copy the code
Bangs screen fit
@mixin hairline-common() { position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; content: ' '; pointer-events: none; } @mixin hairline() { @include hairline-common(); top: -50%; right: -50%; bottom: -50%; left: -50%; border: 0 solid #eaeaea; The transform: scale (0.5); } @mixin hairline-top($color, $left: 0, $right: 0) { @include hairline-common(); top: 0; right: $right; left: $left; border-top: 1px solid $color; The transform: scaleY (0.5); } @mixin hairline-bottom($color, $left: 0, $right: 0) { @include hairline-common(); right: $right; bottom: 0; left: $left; border-bottom: 1px solid $color; The transform: scaleY (0.5); } [class*='van-hairline'] { &::after { @include hairline(); } } .van-hairline { &, &--top, &--left, &--right, &--bottom, &--surround, &--top-bottom { position: relative; } &--top::after { border-top-width: 1px; } &--left::after { border-left-width: 1px; } &--right::after { border-right-width: 1px; } &--bottom::after { border-bottom-width: 1px; } &, &-unset { &--top-bottom::after { border-width: 1px 0; } } &--surround::after { border-width: 1px; }}Copy the code
Multiple lines of text are omitted
@mixin multi-ellipsis($lines) {
display: -webkit-box;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
-webkit-line-clamp: $lines;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
@mixin ellipsis() {
overflow: hidden;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.ellipsis {
@include ellipsis();
.multi-ellipsis--l2 {
@include multi-ellipsis(2);
.multi-ellipsis--l3 {
@include multi-ellipsis(3);
Copy the code
We strongly recommend that you visit the github address directly to clone the project. There are some configuration details that cannot be listed in this article, so let’s explore them in the project.
It would be my pleasure if my article could help you!
The resources
Taro3-vue3-template this project is basically according to the big man’s shelf build, thank you, learn a lot taro documents NutUI Pinia Pinia quick start Volar introduced web adaptation iPhoneX, It’s that simple