Today in vue3+ Vite project practice, WHEN using SVG, I found that the previous writing method can not be used, the previous use method refer to: graceful use of SVG in VUe2

const req = require.context('./icons/svg', false, /\.svg$/)
const requireAll = requireContent => requireContent.keys().map(requireContent)
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And then all kinds of information search, finally realized, nonsense not to say, directly on the code:

Stept1: indicates the file directory

Stept2: install SVG – Sprite – loader

npm install svg-sprite-loader -D
# via yarn
yarn add svg-sprite-loader -D
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Stept3: Create the svgicon. vue file

  <svg :class="svgClass" v-bind="$attrs" :style="{color: color}">
    <use :xlink:href="iconName"/>

<script setup>

import { defineProps, computed } from "vue";

const props = defineProps({
  name: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    color: {
      type: String,
      default: ''

const iconName = computed(()=>`#icon-${}`);
const svgClass = computed(()=> {
  console.log(, '');
  if ( {
        return `svg-icon icon-${}`
      return 'svg-icon'

<style lang='scss'>
.svg-icon {
  width: 1em;
  height: 1em;
  fill: currentColor;
  vertical-align: middle;

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Stept4: Create an ICONS folder to store the SVG file

Stept5: Globally inject the SVG-icon component in main.js

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'

import svgIcon from './components/svgIcon.vue'

createApp(App).component('svg-icon', svgIcon).mount('#app');
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Stept6: Create svgBuilder.js in the plugins folder.Ts version reference:

import { readFileSync, readdirSync } from 'fs' let idPerfix = '' const svgTitle = /<svg([^>+].*?) >/ const clearHeightWidth = /(width|height)="([^>+].*?) "/g const hasViewBox = /(viewBox="[^>+].*?" )/g const clearReturn = /(\r)|(\n)/g function findSvgFile(dir) { const svgRes = [] const dirents = readdirSync(dir, { withFileTypes: true }) for (const dirent of dirents) { if (dirent.isDirectory()) { svgRes.push(... findSvgFile(dir + + '/')) } else { const svg = readFileSync(dir + .toString() .replace(clearReturn, '') .replace(svgTitle, ($1, $2) => { // console.log(++i) // console.log( let width = 0 let height = 0 let content = $2.replace( clearHeightWidth, (s1, s2, s3) => { if (s2 === 'width') { width = s3 } else if (s2 === 'height') { height = s3 } return '' } ) if (! hasViewBox.test($2)) { content += `viewBox="0 0 ${width} ${height}"` } return `<symbol id="${idPerfix}-${ '.svg', '' )}" ${content}>` }) .replace('</svg>', '</symbol>') svgRes.push(svg) } } return svgRes } export const svgBuilder = (path, perfix = 'icon') => { if (path === '') return idPerfix = perfix const res = findSvgFile(path) // console.log(res.length)  // const res = [] return { name: 'svg-transform', transformIndexHtml(html) { return html.replace( '<body>', ` <body> <svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0"> ${res.join('')} </svg> ` ) } } }Copy the code

Stept7: Modify the configuration in viet.config. js

import { svgBuilder } from './src/plugins/svgBuilder'; Export default defineConfig({plugins: [svgBuilder('./ SRC/ICONS/SVG /')]}Copy the code