What can this thing do?
- Automatic upgrade version
- Automatically play tag
- Changelog is automatically generated
Automatic upgrade version
Version of the form
The version number major. Minor. Patch
Default version update rules
- Feature updates minor
- Bug fix updates patches
- BREAKING CHANGES updates major
Manually control version updates
Direct upgrademajor
"scripts": {
"release-major": "standard-version --release-as major",}Copy the code
Direct upgrademinor
"scripts": {
"release-minor": "standard-version --release-as minor",}Copy the code
Direct upgradepatch
"scripts": {
"release-patch": "standard-version --release-as patch",}Copy the code
Upgrade the version by default
"scripts": {
"release": "standard-version",}Copy the code
Force a static version number
"scripts": {
"release-static": "Standard version - release - as 3.3.3",}Copy the code
First version (this method does not upgrade the version number)
# npm run script
npm run release -- --first-release
# global bin
standard-version --first-release
# npx
npx standard-version --first-release
Copy the code
Configure which COMMIT messages are written to Changelog
The hidden property value controls whether a commit message of this type is written to the Changlog. The default is false if this type is left blank
Module. Exports = {" types ": [{" type" : "feat", "section" : "
the Features | new feature"}, {" type ":" fix ", "section" : "
Bug Fixes | Bug Fixes"}, {" type ":" init ", "section" : "
init | initialization"}, {" type ":" docs ", "section" : "
️ Documentation | document"}, {" type ":" style ", "section" : "
Styles | style"}, {" type ":" refactor ", "section" : "
️ Code Refactoring | Code Refactoring"}, {" type ":" perf ", "section" : "
Performance Improvements | Performance optimization"}, {" type ": "Test", "section", "
Tests | testing"}, {" type ":" revert ", "section" : "
revert | back", "hidden" : true}, {" type ": "Build" and "section", "
build System | pack to build"}, {" type ":" chore ", "section" : "
chore | build/project/tool to"}, {" type ": "Ci", "section" : "
Continuous Integration | ci configuration"}}]Copy the code
Skip the changelog generation step
All configurable skips are: Bump, Changelog, Commit, tag
"standard-version": {
"skip": {
"changelog": true
Copy the code