Ency is a simple news and information APP, which mainly includes five modules: Wechat Selection, one article per day, hot dry goods, eye opening video and my collection. The overall project uses the design method of RxJava+Retrofit+MVP+Dagger2+Glide+GreenDao.
Introduction to the
- Wechat select, select wechat news, pull up to refresh, pull down to load, can add collection
- Article of the Day, Jsoup analysis shows the content of the daily article website
- Hot dry goods, science and technology news, can be added to the collection, with and without pictures, pictures can be saved locally, can be used as mobile phone wallpaper
- Open video, top ranking and guess your favorite video, horizontal and vertical swiping can add favorites
- My collection, show the collection content, click to enter details, long press can be deleted
Open source library
- RxJava
- RxAndroid
- Retrofit
- Dagger2
- Glide
- GreenDao
- ButterKnife
- RxPermissions
- Material Dialogs
- Fragmentation
- Leakcanary
- Jsoup
- RoundedImageView
- JiaoZiVideoPlayer
- BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper
Thank you
- Amap offers location services
- Zephyr weather provides weather information
- Tianxing Data provides selected wechat news
- The daily Article website offers short essays
- Dry Goods Concentration Camp offers science and technology news
- Open eye video provides popular videos
- Fir. Im provides application hosting
- Some pictures in the project come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author
- Part of the API used in the project is collected from the web for learning and communication only
The Apache License Version 2.0