Typora usage method

Introduction to the

Typora is a lightweight Markdown editor that supports instant rendering, which is the most significant difference from other Markdown editors. Instant rendering allows you to write Markdown as smoothly as you would a Word document, without the edit and display bars of other editors.

  • Typora removed the preview window, as well as all other unnecessary distractions. Instead, live preview.
  • The syntax of Markdown varies with different parsers or editors, and Typora used GitHub chinglish Markdown.

Markdown is introduced

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows people to write documents in plain text formats that are easy to read and write.

Markdown language was created in 2004 by John Gruber.

Documents written by Markdown can be exported in HTML, Word, image, PDF, Epub and other formats.

Markdown writes documents with the suffix.md,.markdown.

Common Shortcut keys

  • Bold: Ctrl + B
  • Title: CTRL + H
  • Insert link: Ctrl + K
  • Insert code: Ctrl + Shift + C — cannot be executed
  • Line code: Ctrl + Shift + K
  • Insert picture: Ctrl + Shift + I
  • Unordered list: Ctrl + Shift + L — cannot be executed
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Level 1 headings: Ctrl + 1 — and so on

Typora shortcut key integration

Ctrl+1 First order title Ctrl+B font bold Ctrl+2 second order title Ctrl+I font Tilt Ctrl+3 third order title Ctrl+U underline Ctrl+4 fourth order title Ctrl+Home Return to the top of Typora Ctrl+5 fifth order title Ctrl+End returns to the bottom of Typora Ctrl+6 sixth order headings Ctrl+T Create table Ctrl+L Select a sentence Ctrl+K Create a hyperlink Ctrl+D select a word Ctrl+F Search Ctrl+E Select text of the same format Ctrl+H Search and replace Alt+Shift+5 Delete line Ctrl+Shift+I Insert Picture Ctrl+Shift+M Formula block Ctrl+Shift+Q Citation: Some entity symbols need to be preceded by "\" to be displayedCopy the code

A block element

1. The newline character

In Markdown, paragraphs are separated by multiple Spaces. In Typora, simply enter to create a new paragraph.

2. Title level

The shortcut key for level 1 title is CTRL +1

## Secondary title shortcut key is CTRL +2

### 3 title shortcut key is CTRL +3

· · · · · ·

###### Six level title shortcut key is CTRL +6

4. Use text

Here is the text of the quote

5. Unordered lists

Use * + – to create an unordered list

  • A
  • B
  • c

6. Task lists

\ -[] Unselected

\ [x] – check

7. The code block

There are two ways to insert program code in Typora: using backquotes (~ key) and indentation (Tab).

  • To insert in-line code, that is, to insert a word or a line of code, use the form code.
  • To insert multiple lines of code, type 3 back quotes (‘) + carriage return and select a language name after it to implement syntax highlighting. def helloworld(): print(“hello, world!” )

8. Mathematical expressions

When you need to insert a mathematical formula in the editor, you can use two dollar signs, right? A mathematical formula wrapped in TeX or LaTeX format. Load Mathjax as needed to render the math formula.

Press? , and then press enter to edit the mathematical formula.

9. Insert tables

Type 2 | 1 | | header header and press enter. Create a list of 2. The shortcut key Ctrl + T is displayed.

  • Either way, the first action is the table header, the second action separates the table header from the body, and the third line begins one table row per action

  • With a pipe symbol | between column and column

  • You can also set the alignment (between the header and the content). If you do not use the alignment flag, the content defaults to left-aligned and the header to center aligned

    Left: |

    Right-aligned | :

    In the alignment: | :

  • In order to beautiful, you can use different lines of cell space alignment, and on the left and right sides of the use | to mark the cell boundary

  • In order to make the Markdown clearer, | and – both sides need to have at least one space (the most left and the right of the | don’t need the outside).


This example is footnoted [1].

Note: In this example, the footnote identifier is 1. The footnote identifier can be alphanumeric underscore, but Chinese characters are not supported. The footnote content can be any character, including Chinese.

The line was

Type *** or — press Enter to draw a horizontal line, as follows:

11. Contents (TOC)

Type [toc] and press Enter to create a “directory.” TOC extracts all the titles from the document, and its content is automatically updated.

Typora supports Toc automatic directory generation, blog garden does not support?


1. It is recommended to open the Outline view by Ctrl + Shift + 1

2. Insert table must be written in top; otherwise, it cannot be displayed

3. Grammar without deliberate memory, right click can be queried