Feign and the Ribbon both do load balancing
- Eureka and Ribbon in SpringCloudChange the Ribbon to Feign
Create a Service in an API (POJO) project, just like a Service in a Service provider
- The interface name can be different, similar to Dubbo and Zookeeper
- The content of the interface should be consistent, and the service in the API should receive the same requests as the Controller in the service provider
- Import dependence
- Write a Service in the entity class project
- Use the Service in the entity class project in the Controller that serves the consumer
- Import dependence
Import dependencies at the service provider
<! -- Entity class -->
<version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>
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- Write a Service in the entity class project
@FeignClient(name= "SPRINGCLOUD-PROVIDER-DEPT")/ / value = service id
public interface FeignDeptService {
@RequestMapping(value = "/add")
boolean addDept(@RequestBody Dept dept);
Dept getById(@PathVariable(value = "id") int id);
List<Dept> getAll(a);
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- Use the Service in the entity class project in the service provider
public class FeignDeptConsumerController {
// Consumer, there should be no service layer
//RestTemplate is a simple restful service template that provides multiple convenient methods for accessing remote HTTP services
private FeignDeptService feignDeptService;
public boolean add(Dept dept){
return feignDeptService.addDept(dept);
public Dept getDeptById(@PathVariable(value = "id") int id){
return feignDeptService.getById(id);
public List getAll(a){
returnfeignDeptService.getAll(); }}Copy the code
Notes used
(name= “springCloud-provider-dept “)//value= service ID
On the Api interface
//(basePackages = {“com.cloud.service”})
On the service consumer’s startup class, that means scanning the interface that declares them to be the FeignClient client (via feignClient@feignClient). Scan code Configuration components, with org. Springframework. Context. The annotation. The Configuration @ the Configuration class