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In the past,.net’s most prestigious ServiceStack.Redis has been relegated to commercial use, using top-up only in.netcore. While stackexchange. Redis works, the previous Timeout errors are quite confusing, so it’s not a good choice. After some sorting and recommendation on the Internet, I found an open source library CSReidsCore.

CSRedisCore is a set of Redis operating library which is open source in China. Now the latest version is V3.6.5. There are no major problems after the use of several actual company projects.

Characteristics of the

  • CSRedisClient and RedisHelper keep all method names the same as redis- CLI
  • Support for geographic type commands (redis-Server 3.2 or later required)
  • Support for Redis cluster redis-trib.rb
  • Support for Redis Sentinel and master slave
  • Support for stream type commands (redis-Server 5.0 and later required)

The official parameters

The scope of The default explain
password < empty > Redis server password
defaultDatabase 0 Redis server database
asyncPipeline The wrong Asynchronous methods use pipes automatically and 10W concurrent time is 450ms (feedback welcome)
The pool size 50 Connection pool size
Idle timeout 20000 The idle time of an element in the connection pool (MS) for connecting to a remote Redis server
connectTimeout 5000 Connection Timeout (MS)
syncTimeout 10000 Send/receive timeout (MS)
preheating 5 Preheating connection, receiving preheating equivalent = 5 preheating 5 connections
Automatic disposal really Track system exit events for automatic release
ssl The wrong Enabling Encrypted Transmission
Test cluster really If you want to try normal mode, Ali cloud, Tencent cloud merge, set this option to false
Give it a try 0 Error execution, retry the attempt
The name < empty > Connection name, viewed using the client list command
The first word < empty > Csredis.Set (prefix + “key”, 111);

Begin to use

Redis standalone

Redis is the only Db used

According to the Github authors, if you are the only DB usage scenario, it is recommended to use this method for initialization and usage

Using RedisHelper for initialization and invocation is recommended only for Db

var rds = new CSRedis. CSRedisClient ( ": 6379, password = 123, defaultDatabase = 0, poolsize = 50, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240"); RedisHelper.Initialization(rds); // RedisHelper redishelper.set ("test", ()); RedisHelper.Get("test");Copy the code

Redis is used by multiple Db

The instance array is injected as a singleton

Recommended ways:

Consolidate the various RedisDb instances into an array and inject the services singleton

Var connectionString = ", password = 123, poolsize = 10"; var redis = new CSRedisClient[14]; for (var a = 0; a < redis.Length; a++) redis[a] = new CSRedisClient(connectionString + ",defaultDatabase=" + a); service.AddSingleton(redis);Copy the code

Create multiple ReidSheplers

Each library corresponds to a RedisHelper, which initializes the Client instance of the specified Helper

public abstract class MyHelper1 : RedisHelper<MyHelper1> {} public abstract class MyHelper2 : RedisHelper<MyHelper2> {} MyHelper1.Initialization(new CSRedisClient("...." )); MyHelper2.Initialization(new CSRedisClient("...." ));Copy the code

Redis cluster

var csredis = new CSRedis.CSRedisClient(null, ", password = 123, defaultDatabase = 11, poolsize = 10, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240", ", password = 123, defaultDatabase = 12, poolsize = 11, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240", ", password = 123, defaultDatabase = 13, poolsize = 12, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240", ", password = 123, defaultDatabase = 14, poolsize = 13, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240"); csredis.Set("test", DateTime.Now.ToString()); csredis.Get("test");Copy the code

The guard mode

Var csredis = new csredis.CSRedisClient("mymaster,password=123", new[] {"", "", ""}); csredis.Set("test", DateTime.Now.ToString()); csredis.Get("test");Copy the code

Distributed cache

The use of distributed caching based on the CSRedisCore open source library is also very simple. The general idea is the same as above but the method body has changed

Normal mode

var csredis = new CSRedis. CSRedisClient ( ": 6379, password = 123, defaultDatabase = 13, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240, poolsize = 50, prefix = key Before dropping out "); services.AddSingleton<IDistributedCache>(new Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis.CSRedisCache(csredis));Copy the code

Cluster pattern

var csredis = new CSRedis.CSRedisClient(null, ", password = 123, defaultDatabase = 11, poolsize = 10, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240, prefix =" dropping out before the key, ", password = 123, defaultDatabase = 12, poolsize = 11, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240, prefix =" dropping out before the key, ", password = 123, defaultDatabase = 13, poolsize = 12, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240, prefix =" dropping out before the key, ", password = 123, defaultDatabase = 14, poolsize = 13, SSL = false, writeBuffer = 10240, prefix =" dropping out before key); services.AddSingleton<IDistributedCache>(new Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Redis.CSRedisCache(csredis));Copy the code

If you need to switch between multiple databases, you can refer to the “Redis multiple Db use” TAB to set up

Advanced usage

Advanced usage of CSRedis can be found in this article.NETCore’s simple and advanced library CSRedis v3.0.0 and Github official library. The general situation is not used, until the need to use the time to review can be.

Recommended reading

New open source has emerged after Redis tools were charged

The highest engineer skills chart on GitHub

The last

The end of this article, I hope to help you 😃

If there are any questions or suggestions, you can exchange more original articles, writing is limited, talent and learning is shallow, if there is something wrong in the article, hope to inform.

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