This is the fourth day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021
When I was writing a project, I had to embed a map in the home page and show the 3D effect. I could draw borders and regions, show labels and click labels. Because of the high requirements for customization and styling, simply using Echarts is no longer enough. Therefore, we used the API of Amap in the project to achieve the effect as shown below.
The introduction of AMap
First we need to introduce AMap: using the
<script src="Https:// gold maps API Key value & plugin = AMap. MouseTool, AMap. The Geocoder, AMap. DistrictSearch"></script>
We're sorry but <%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %>
doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled.
Please enable it to continue.</strong>
<div id="app"></div>
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MouseTool, AMap.Geocoder and AMap.DistrictSearch are all AMap tools that we can import as needed. Among them
- AMap MouseTool is
- AMap Geocoder is
- AMap DistrictSearch is
Initialize the map
We need to have an HTML element container, and if we have a UI design style, we need to ask the UI for a style ID. Here we use the () constructor to generate AMap instance:
const map = new AMap.Map('map_box', {
/ / style ID
mapStyle: `amap://styles/The ${ID} style`.center: [116.275034.40.095882].viewMode: '3D'.resizeEnable: true.rotateEnable: true.pitchEnable: true.zoom: 16.pitch: 45.layers: [
// Block layer
new AMap.Buildings({
zooms: [2.20].zIndex: 11.heightFactor: 2// 2 times the default height, effective in 3D]}}));// Save the Map instance in data
this.gxMap = map;
// Only when the Map instance life cycle is complete can it be hung at marker points and areas
map.on('complete'.() = > {
this.drawText(); // Display listed companies by default
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Mount marker points and regions
We can see that after initializing the Map instance, we call the drawBigBounds() and drawText() methods in the complete life cycle of the Map instance. Before this, we need to obtain the latitude and longitude coordinates of the marked point and the coordinate array of the region. The coordinate data structure can be as follows:
You can also use
new AMap.LngLat(item.lng,
The traversal coordinate data method is used.
- We first draw the map area
// Administrative area
drawBigBounds() {
// Generate polygon- region one
formatPhaseOneArr.forEach((item, index) = > {
const phaseOnePolygon = new AMap.Polygon({
strokeWeight: 2.path: item,
fillOpacity: 0.fillColor: 'rgba(137, 116, 70, 1)'.strokeColor: '#38C8F5'.strokeOpacity: 1 - 0.2 * index
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New amap.polygon () is literally the method to draw the area, where we set the area color and transparency, and the border width color and transparency. As shown in the picture at the beginning, since the area style of UI design is the same as 3D fence, I used multiple generation area, set the background color of the area to transparent, and set the border to gradient to achieve.
- Draw marker points
list.forEach(item= > {
const companyName = item.company_name;
const longitude = item.lnglat[0];
const latitude = item.lnglat[1];
const dom = `
<div style="" class="company-marker-content">
<div class="content-container">
<div class="content-text-bg"></div>
<p class="content-text">${companyName}</p>
<div class="marker-line"></div>
<div class="marker-circle outer">
<div class="marker-circle inner"></div>
const marker = new AMap.Marker({
position: new AMap.LngLat(longitude, latitude),
content: dom, // Add the Icon URL
title: companyName,
anchor: 'bottom-center'.offset: new AMap.Pixel(0, -8)});this.markerArr.push(marker);
marker.on('click'.() = > {
this.enterpriseData[index].marker = this.markerArr; // Store marker for remove(there should be better solution)
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We used the new amap.marker () constructor to traverse the point data, and then added the Marker instance to the Map instance. It should be noted that we saved the Marker instance in the array, so that when we changed the data by switching options on the Map, You can remove the previous data using the remove() method of the Map instance.
At the end
This completes the ability of AMap to generate maps and add markers and regions.