The first step in everything is to download dependencies

npm install monaco-editor
Copy the code

“The gadget comes with a add-on that, don’t ask, simply do not know” (the editor seemed to have a bug)

Copy the code

Once the dependencies are downloaded, they need to be configured

My project is packaged in Webpack, so it is configured in Webpack. The configuration method of vue-CLI project is different

Webpack configuration:

var MonacoWebpackPlugin = require("monaco-editor-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = merge(baseWebpackConfig, {
    plugins: [ MonacoWebpackPlugin({
            languages: ["json"."typescript"."javascript"]})]});Copy the code


const MonacoWebpackPlugin = require('monaco-editor-webpack-plugin')
module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config= > {
    config.plugin('monaco-editor').use(MonacoWebpackPlugin, [
        // Languages are loaded on demand at runtime
        languages: ['json'.'javascript'.'html'.'xml']}])}}Copy the code

The next step is to encapsulate it as a component

<template> <div id="monaco-editor-box"> <div id="monaco-editor" ref="monacoEditor" /> </div> </template> <script> import  * as monaco from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.main"; export default { components: {}, props: { editorOptions: { type: Object, default: Function () {return {selectOnLineNumbers: true, roundedSelection: false, readOnly: true, // readOnly cursorStyle: "Line ", // cursor style automaticLayout: false, // automaticLayout glyphMargin: true, // font edge useTabStops: false, fontSize: 28, // font size autoIndent: true, // automatic layout //quickSuggestionsDelay: 500, // code prompt delay}; }, codes: {type: String, default: function () {return "<div> please edit HTML content </div>"; },},}, data() {return {editor: null, // text editor isSave: true, // codeValue: null, // saved text}; }, mounted() { this.initEditor(); }, methods: { initEditor() { const self = this; // Initialize the editor to make sure the dom has rendered this.editor = monaco.editor. Create (self.$refs.monacoEditor, {value: Self. CodeValue | | self. Codes, / / initial display content editor language: "javascript", / / support theme: "v - dark, / / theme selectOnLineNumbers: True, // Display line number editorOptions: self.editorOptions,}); // self.$emit("onMounted", self.editor); / / editor to create complete callback / / self. The editor. OnDidChangeModelContent (function (event) {/ / / / editor contents changge event / / self. CodesCopy = self.editor.getValue(); // self.$emit("onCodeChange", self.editor.getValue(), event); / /}); ,}}}; </script> <style scoped> #monaco-editor { height: 600px; } </style>Copy the code

Finally, component references are omitted from the examples

The problem record

One of the problems was:

My solution is to add a typescript language type to the WebPack configuration, so it doesn’t necessarily work in other scenarios

If there is a better solution, welcome to exchange