As a result of the company’s request, the entire development team moved to Linux, which apparently increased their proficiency in Linux. Personal tools are more cloud-oriented. Then I switched to the domestic Deepin system and couldn’t put it down.

1. Communication and entertainment tools

QQ/ wechat/Dingding/netease Cloud Music

These apps can be downloaded from the Deep App Store.

2. Office suite

2.1 Firstly, the online version of the browser is introduced: Office Online, which can replace the desktop version and perfectly handle work, Excel and PPT


Like using it locally, the key is free!!

Of course, there’s a plugin in the Google Chrome store called Office Oneline that includes Word, Excel, powerpoint and Onenote

2.2 If there is a large amount of data, it is recommended to use WPS 2019 Linux version. The Web version offlice Online does not support large amount of data well and has full functions.

2.3 Onenote is great for note-taking and searching. If you are not satisfied with the speed of Onenote, you can choose Youdao Cloud Note in China.

2.4 Typora: What you see is what you get Markdown editor

3. Network tools

Install the SwitchyOmega plug-in

4. Some common visualization tools

Teamviwer: Remote control tool development tools: JetBrains full set, I like using jetBrains official Toolbox to manage the full set of development tools sogou input method (system included) Web version Xmind brain mapping tool

5. Development tools

5.1 IDE and editor

IDE Vim for VS Code Editor Jetbrains: Vim experience

5.2 Cli Tool

ZSH: powerful command line fish shell: fish shell use experience git: version management tool

6. Common command lines

CTRL + E moves to the end of the command line CTRL + L Clears the screen CTRL + U clears the current position to the beginning of the line CTRL + W deletes the last word

【 Command 】 > ~/test. TXT Input the command to the file

Vim Quick Exit Trick: Press twice: Shift + Z

CTRL + R searches the history command line

7, the cloud

My domestic network disk use is Baidu network disk, the rest of Tencent network disk can choose, usually save a file with Baidu network disk also line, but Baidu network disk does not rush members, download speed limit! Onedrive, Google Driver and Dropbox are recommended

8. Google account

Click on the right side of the browser to log in, it will automatically synchronize the browsing history, bookmarks and so on! In particular, it’s useful to sync bookmarks on your computer.

Chrome 插件 logo 图 片

  1. octotree
  2. One-click management extension
  3. Chrono Download manager
  4. vimium

If there is any good software in Linux, you can recommend it. I will update it appropriately.