Json-server is a Node module that runs the Express server. You can specify a JSON file as the data source for the API. In other words, we can use it to build a Web server quickly.

  • Address: github.com/typicode/js…


  1. Make sure node is installed on your computer and then install jSON-server:
node -v
npm install -g json-server
Copy the code

  1. Deploy the JSON file.

The db.json file is as follows:

  "posts": [{"id": 1."title": "json-server"."author": "typicode"}]."comments": [{"id": 1."body": "some comment"."postId": 1}]."profile": { "name": "typicode"}}Copy the code

Open the terminal in the db.json file directory. If you’re in vscode, open the db.json file and go to terminal -> new terminal. Enter:

json-server --watch db.json
Copy the code

— Watch stands for monitoring, which immediately displays changes to the data in a db.json file. If you see the following interface, it is successful. 3000 here is the port number assigned to it.

If the following error is reported, it is because of a script security problem. You need to change PowerShell’s security policy.

The steps to change PowerShell security policies are as follows:

  1. Start Power Shell as an administrator
  2. The inputGet-ExecutionPolicyTo view the current policy
  3. The inputSet-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned, set the current policy as the remotesunet

Next, you can access the data in Resources and Home.