Create method: construct a SQL command with string concatenation: “insert into Student (name, age) values (? ,?) “

We then pass in the jdbcTemplateObject, which is created based on a bean defined in beans.xml:

The jdbcTemplate is org. Springframework. JDBC. The core provides API:

Bulk read

Different from creating interfaces, batch reads need to return data to the Java layer, so a Mapper is required: StudentMapper

Specific execution logic, and the ABAP ADBC principle similar to first obtain a database connection: DataSourceUtils. GetConnection

Here is the datasource bean injected from beans.xml:

Get a connection based on DataSource:

The actual execution takes place inside the doInStatement method and belongs to the JdbcTemplate class:

The RowMapper defined in our application is called back in a while loop:

Step into our own RowMapper:

GetInt implementation:

Each row of column data is stored in an internal array as bytes:

This is the complete flow of the GET operation:

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