
There is a VPS in Ali Cloud that has been bought for several years, but it only puts a static website. The more I want to lose, I deploy a BOINC on it to make contributions to science.

ヾ(O · ω ·) Blue


BOINC projects

BOINC, an acronym for Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, is an Open middleware system for voluntary and grid Computing.

BOINC was originally developed to support the SETI@home project and has since become the most mainstream distributed computing platform for a wide variety of projects in mathematics, physics, chemistry, life sciences, and earth sciences. BOINC was developed to help researchers more easily access the computing resources of volunteers scattered around the world.

In BOINC, we can find many projects, and different projects have different research projects. For example, IBM’s World Community Grid is currently active in the following directions.

I’ve been contributing to finding the cause of cancer for years…

You can see that volunteers like to team up according to their own country…

Operational guidelines for school official cites use

Register user manager

The largest user manager is BAM! .

Why do we need a user manager?

Because there are so many projects in BOINC, if we don’t use the user manager, we have to register and log in every project, which is very troublesome.

Then, run on the server:

sudo apt-get install boinc-client
Copy the code

After the installation is successful, we can connect boinc-Client to our newly registered user manager:

boinccmd --acct_mgr attach username password
Copy the code

After this step, you can use boinccMD –acct_mgr info to check whether the connection is successful

The connection is successful.

Then we’re back at BAM! To add items to it.

For example, we added the World Community Grid here.

You can see it in Projects when you add it successfully

Synchronize user manager Settings on the server:

boinccmd --acct_mgr sync
Copy the code

Next modify the configuration file:

vi /etc/boinc-client
Copy the code

Restart the service:

/etc/init.d/boinc-client restart
Copy the code

After a few minutes (since you usually do a CPU Brenchmark to determine what tasks to assign to your host), run the following command to see if there are any tasks

There is a success, you can go to the user manager next day to see what the integral.


Although, like the above example, the 1GB server can contribute to the computing power is very small, but at least we contribute to the progress and development of science.

(* / omega \ *)